
Animated 4 Spiritual Laws! GREAT FOR EVANGELISM! Animation with sand by Korean College Student Mission (KCCC)

Posted by BIML ASIA TEAM on Oct 19th 2017

Animated 4 Spiritual Laws!  GREAT FOR EVANGELISM!  Animation with sand by Korean College Student Mission (KCCC)

Animated 4 Spiritual Laws!

Have you heard of the Four Spiritual Laws? The four spiritual laws (in summary) are: God loves you and offers a wonderful plan for your life. ... Jesus Christ is God's only provision for our sin, and through him we can know and experience God's love and plan for our lives.

Korean College Student Mission (KCCC) made these great animations!  Share with those that need to learn!  Buy a Bible for your friends form other countries and watch with them the Video in their own language.

한국어  Korean

우리가 사는 세상에는 일정한 법칙이 있습니다. 해가지면 달이 뜨고 밤하늘엔 별이 반짝입니다. 지구와 행성들은 일정한 주기로 자전과 공전을 계속합니다. 물은 위에서 아래로 흘러 시내가 되고 시내는 강물이 되어 바다로 향합니다. 추운 겨울이 지나면 반드시 봄이 오고 들판에는 꽃들이 만발합니다. 이렇게 자연의 신비로움은 경이롭기만 합니다. 이 놀라운 세상을 만드신 하나님과 사람 사이에도 영적인 법칙이 있습니다.


에서 영어  English

There are certain laws in the world we live in. If you do, the moon will rise and the stars will shine in the night sky. Earth and planets continue to rotate and revolve at regular intervals. The water flows from the top down to the stream, and the stream becomes the river and goes to the sea. After the cold winter, the spring will surely come and the flowers will bloom in the fields. This mysteriousness of nature is wonderful. There is a spiritual rule between God and man who made this amazing world.

에서 중국어   Chinese Traditional

러시아어  Russian

일본어   Japanese

스페인어   Spanish   ¿Has oido hablar de las cuatro leyes espirituales?

힌디어  Hindi

몽골어  Mongolian

프랑스어  French

폴란드어  Polish

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