You Can Be Certain of This! (Chinese) / Chinese edition of Das ist ganz sicher - gospel evangelism booklet / Gute Botschaft Verlag
GBV 49403 S
Paperback 2000
Pages: 20
PUBLISHER: Gute Botschaft Verlag
LANGUAGE: Chinese Simplified
English Description:
You Can Be Certain of This! In our time, much is uncertain. Man can not see into the future. How does he know what the future will bring? People have desires, dreams, hopes. These dreams are like soap bubbles: they are promising and shimmer in all the colors, but suddenly they burst as if they had never existed. What will become of your career? Will your reputation continue to rise? How will it be for you and the people you love? What will become of your possessions, your savings? What can you really count on? - One thing is certain! There is someone you can rely on: Jesus Christ, the Son of God.