You Are Not Alone – Kirghiz Women's Stories with Deep Meaning
- ISBN: 9789967928428 / 978-9967928428
- ISBN-10: 9967928425
- Pages: 139
- Publisher: Bible Society of Kyrgyzstan
- Language: Kyrgyz / Киргизский
- Year: 2021
Overview / Обзор
"You Are Not Alone" presents the inspiring stories of Kyrgyz women, with deep spiritual messages drawn from biblical examples of women’s lives. The book highlights the lives of women who played significant roles in the Bible, and parallels them with the personal and cultural experiences of modern Kyrgyz women. Written by Evgeniy Ogai, this book provides a thoughtful reflection on how biblical teachings can offer guidance and strength to women in today's world.
Through these stories, readers will explore themes of faith, resilience, and empowerment. The book offers not only inspiration from the lives of women in the Bible but also practical insights for overcoming life's challenges with courage and spiritual wisdom. This work, published by the Bible Society of Kyrgyzstan, offers a unique look into the intersection of faith, culture, and gender.
"You Are Not Alone" представляет вдохновляющие истории киргизских женщин с глубокими духовными посланиями, основанными на библейских примерах женской жизни. Книга освещает судьбы женщин, сыгравших важную роль в Библии, и параллелит их с личными и культурными переживаниями современных киргизских женщин. Написанная Евгением Огаем, эта книга предлагает глубокое размышление о том, как библейские учения могут послужить руководством и поддержкой для женщин в современном мире.
Product Features / Характеристики продукта
- Format: Paperback / Мягкая обложка
- Pages: 139 / Страниц: 139
- Dimensions: Standard paperback size / Стандартный размер мягкой обложки
- Language: Kyrgyz (Kirghiz) / Язык: Киргизский
- Publisher: Bible Society of Kyrgyzstan / Издатель: Библейское Общество Кыргызской Республики
- Published Year: 2021 / Год издания: 2021
- ISBN-13: 9789967928428 / ISBN-13: 9789967928428
- ISBN-10: 9967928425 / ISBN-10: 9967928425
Interesting Facts / Интересные факты
- Biblical Influence: The book draws deep spiritual insights from the lives of women in the Bible, providing modern Kyrgyz women with a connection to the strength and faith exemplified by biblical women such as Ruth, Esther, and Mary.
- Cultural Relevance: The author, Evgeniy Ogai, weaves together biblical stories with the personal experiences of Kyrgyz women, exploring how the teachings of the Bible can empower women in their everyday lives.
- Inspiration for Women: The stories in this book are not just biblical retellings but also reflections on how those ancient stories resonate with contemporary issues facing women, making it a source of spiritual encouragement and wisdom.
- Publisher’s Vision: Published by the Bible Society of Kyrgyzstan, this book seeks to offer both a spiritual and cultural perspective, bringing together Christian teachings and local experiences.
Track Listing (For CD Edition, if applicable) / Содержание (для CD-издания, если имеется)
Publishers / Издатели
- Publisher: Bible Society of Kyrgyzstan / Издатель: Библейское Общество Кыргызской Республики
- Publication Year: 2021 / Год издания: 2021
- Location: Kyrgyzstan / Местоположение: Кыргызстан
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#YouAreNotAlone #KyrgyzWomenStories #BiblicalWomen #ChristianEmpowerment #SpiritualStrength #EvgeniyOgai #WomenInFaith #KyrgyzstanBibleSociety #BiblicalTeaching #WomenOfTheBible #SpiritualWisdom #KyrgyzChristianBooks