Word Definitions
By Don Roberts | Paperback
Word Definitions by Don Roberts is a thoughtful exploration of language, especially words used within a Gospel context. Addressing the shift in language and the erosion of meaning due to misuse, Roberts carefully defines terms foundational to Christian teachings, such as "faith," "trust," and "hope." He compares nuances between words like "gift" and "present" to deepen understanding of biblical language. The book also emphasizes the importance of scriptural clarity and encourages readers to examine the Bible more closely, uncovering meanings that are often overlooked.
Product Features
- Format: Paperback
- Pages: 164
- Language: English
- ISBN-10: 0948417374
- ISBN-13: 978-0948417375
- Publisher: Gospel Tract Publications
- Size: 4.75″ x 7.25″
Interesting Facts
- Biblical Lexicon Approach: Roberts highlights the Bible as a unique text, offering a self-contained dictionary and lexicon that helps readers interpret and apply its teachings accurately.
- Clarity in Communication: Written with a conviction to convey biblical terms precisely, this work is invaluable for anyone seeking to teach or understand scripture with greater clarity.
- Encourages Detailed Study: The book promotes detailed, contextual Bible study, making it a useful resource for both new learners and seasoned Bible teachers.
About the Author
Don Roberts is known for his dedication to helping others understand the Christian faith more deeply, especially through the careful definition of terms commonly found in Christian teachings. His work reflects a commitment to scriptural integrity and clear Gospel communication.
Gospel Tract Publications
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