婚礼版圣经 - 神版(现代汉语版) | Wedding Bible - Shen Version (Modern Chinese Edition)
UPC: 0104039-S228
概述 | Overview
The "Wedding Bible" is specially designed for Christian weddings, presented in the Shen Version with a modern Chinese translation for clarity and readability. Featuring scripture like 1 Corinthians 13, it emphasizes patience, kindness, and eternal love in marriage. This edition is ideal for wedding ceremonies and spiritual guidance in marital life.
产品特点 | Product Features
- 版本 | Edition: 婚礼版圣经(现代汉语版) | Wedding Bible (Modern Chinese Edition)
- 语言 | Language: 简体中文 | Simplified Chinese
- 规格 | Dimensions: 172 x 255 毫米(16K) | 172 x 255 mm (16K)
- 出版日期 | Publication Date: 2024年8月 | August 2024
- 印刷 | Printing: 南京爱德印刷有限公司 | Amity Printing Co., Ltd., Nanjing
- 特性 | Features:
- 专为婚礼设计的经典圣经版本 | A classic Bible edition tailored for weddings.
- 包含林前13章“爱之篇”,婚姻灵修的核心经文 | Includes 1 Corinthians 13, the foundational scripture for marital devotion.
- 双色印刷,清晰排版,适合庄重仪式 | Dual-tone printing with a clear layout, perfect for formal ceremonies.
- 使用现代汉语翻译,保留神版圣经的信仰内涵 | Modern Chinese translation with the faith-based essence of the Shen Version.
有趣的背景 | Interesting Facts
- 爱之篇 | Love Scripture: 林前13章4-8节是婚礼中最常引用的圣经段落,其内容涵盖爱、忍耐、真理与永恒,激励信徒在婚姻中实践基督的教导:
"Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud... Love never fails." - 出版历史 | Publishing History:
Since 1980, Amity Printing Co., Ltd. has printed over 90 million Bibles, making it one of the largest Bible printing organizations in the world. - 全球影响力 | Global Reach:
The Bible, known as the "Book of Books," holds significance not only in Christian faith but also in global literature, philosophy, and history.
出版社 | Publishers
- 出版单位 | Publisher: 中国基督教三自爱国运动委员会、中国基督教协会 | China Christian Council, Three-Self Patriotic Movement
- 地址 | Address: 上海市九江路219号(邮编 200002) | 219 Jiujiang Road, Shanghai, China (200002)
- 电话 | Phone: 021-63210806(总机)/ 63296235(传真) | 021-63210806 (Mainline) / 63296235 (Fax)
- 印刷单位 | Printing: 南京爱德印刷有限公司 | Amity Printing Co., Ltd., Nanjing
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#婚礼圣经 #神版圣经 #爱之篇 #简体中文圣经 #南京爱德印刷 #中国基督教协会 #婚姻灵修 #圣经经典 #婚礼仪式 #圣经学习
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