Vodstvo / Guidance in Croatian Language
Original Title: Guidance, What the Bible Says About Knowing God's Will
Author: Oliver R. Barclay
Translation: Dr. Davorin Peterlin
Vodstvo is a concise and insightful exploration of how the Bible addresses the concept of knowing God's will. This Croatian-language edition provides valuable insights into God's promise to guide believers, the various ways He offers direction, and practical advice for making life decisions. The book emphasizes trust in God's guidance, highlighting the biblical understanding of how to discern His will in everyday life. At just 48 pages, this paperback edition is designed to be a quick and accessible resource for those seeking to align their decisions with God's plan.
Vodstvo je sažeto i uvidljivo istraživanje kako Biblija obrađuje pojam spoznaje Božje volje. Ovo izdanje na hrvatskom jeziku pruža vrijedne uvide u Božje obećanje da će voditi vjernike, različite načine na koje On nudi smjernice te praktične savjete za donošenje životnih odluka. Knjiga naglašava povjerenje u Božje vodstvo, ističući biblijsko razumijevanje kako prepoznati Njegovu volju u svakodnevnom životu. Samo 48 stranica, ovo izdanje u mekom uvezu dizajnirano je kao brz i pristupačan izvor za one koji žele uskladiti svoje odluke s Božjim planom.
Product Features
- Format: Paperback, easy to carry and read.
- Pages: 48 pages of insightful content.
- Language: Croatian.
- Publisher: Inter-Varsity Press / Duhovna Stvarnost, 2002.
Interesting Facts
- Vodstvo is part of a series that helps readers explore essential Christian topics in a concise and practical way.
- The book provides clear biblical references and personal reflections to guide readers in understanding how to hear and follow God's voice.
- This Croatian-language edition makes the wisdom of Oliver R. Barclay’s writing accessible to a wider audience, particularly for those in Croatia and other Croatian-speaking communities.
- The translation by Dr. Davorin Peterlin ensures that the nuances of the original text are faithfully preserved, making it a trusted resource for spiritual growth.
Inter-Varsity Press: A well-known Christian publisher committed to producing literature that helps individuals grow in their faith and understanding of God's Word.
Duhovna Stvarnost: A Croatian publisher focused on spiritual literature, particularly resources that encourage a deeper walk with God.
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