
Vladimir Lenin Figurine – Soviet Commemorative Sculpture

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Vladimir Lenin Figurine – Soviet Commemorative Sculpture

Product Information

  • Type: Sculpted Figurine
  • Subject: Vladimir Ulyanov (Lenin)
  • Material: Plaster (or similar) with a white painted finish
  • Size: [Include dimensions if available; otherwise “Standard size”]
  • Color Palette: Dominantly white with painted details; base accents of chipped paint in cream and off-white tones
  • Style: Formal, commemorative, and ideological representation
  • Origin: Soviet-era collectible, typically used in public spaces, offices, educational institutions, or private collections
  • Additional Items: Often part of a broader collection of Soviet memorabilia (e.g., accompanying busts, framed portraits)


This authentic sculpted figurine of Vladimir Lenin captures the revolutionary leader in a classic, formal stance. The piece portrays Lenin as a mature, authoritative figure—standing upright with one hand casually tucked into his pocket and the other gently holding the lapel of his coat. His facial expression is serious and contemplative, enhanced by distinctive details such as his well-defined beard and the subtle expression in his eyes. Despite visible signs of aging, including minor chipping of the paint and plaster on the base and parts of the coat, the figurine’s overall detailing remains remarkable. As a commemorative object, it served not only as a decorative piece but also as a symbol of the ideological reverence for Lenin during the Soviet era.

Эта подлинная скульптурная фигурка Владимира Ленина изображает революционного лидера в классической официальной позе. Фигура представляет Ленина как зрелую, авторитетную личность – стоящего прямо, с одной рукой, небрежно заправленной в карман, а другой – слегка держащей лацкан пальто. Его выражение лица серьезное и задумчивое, подчеркнутое характерной бородой и тонкими деталями взгляда. Несмотря на видимые признаки старения, такие как незначительные отколы краски и штукатурки на основании и участках пальто, детали фигуры остаются ярко выраженными. Будучи памятным предметом, фигурка служила не только декоративным элементом, но и символом идеологического почтения к Ленину в советскую эпоху.

Visual Analysis

Pose and Appearance

  • Stance:
    Lenin is portrayed standing upright in a confident and authoritative posture. The formal stance is accentuated by his suit, vest, and tie. One hand is casually tucked into his pocket, while the other grasps the lapel of his coat.

  • Facial Features:
    The sculpted portrait exhibits a serious, thoughtful, and contemplative expression with clearly rendered facial features—particularly his distinctive beard and intense, focused gaze.

Material and Detailing

  • Material:
    Crafted from plaster (or a similar material) and painted in white, the figurine captures a clean, formal aesthetic typical of many Soviet-era collectible sculptures.

  • Condition:
    The sculpture shows signs of aging, including chipped paint and minor damage along the base and on select areas of the coat. Despite these imperfections, the overall detailing—especially in the facial features, clothing folds, and vest buttons—remains intact, attesting to the quality of its original craftsmanship.

Inscriptions and Surrounding Items

  • In-Scene Context:
    In the larger collection, this figurine is accompanied by other Lenin busts, sculptures, a framed portrait featuring Lenin with Stalin, and decorative textiles or rugs. This grouping underscores the historical and ideological significance of Lenin memorabilia.

  • Additional Marks:
    While this description focuses on the figurine itself, it often shares space with similar Soviet-era artifacts that collectively evoke the era’s political culture.

Historical and Cultural Context

Throughout the Soviet period, statues and figurines of Lenin were ubiquitous, serving as a means of ideological loyalty and historical memory. This particular figurine, produced as a commemorative or decorative object, would have been displayed in public spaces, offices, or collections to reinforce Lenin’s legacy as the leader of the Bolshevik Revolution and the founder of the Soviet state. Its presence—along with associated items like portraits and busts—reflects the profound impact Lenin had on Soviet ideology and culture, while also highlighting the artistic traditions of state-sponsored propaganda.

В советский период статуи и фигурки Ленина были повсеместно распространены и служили проявлением идеологического почтения и исторической памяти. Данная фигурка, созданная как памятный или декоративный объект, могла быть размещена в общественных местах, офисах или коллекциях для укрепления наследия Ленина как лидера большевистской революции и основателя Советского государства. Её наличие, в сочетании с другими предметами (портретами и бюстами), отражает глубокое влияние Ленина на советскую идеологию и культуру, а также подчеркивает традиции искусства пропаганды, спонсируемого государством.

Condition and Craftsmanship

  • Overall Condition:
    While the figurine shows evidence of age—with some chipped areas and minor damage—it is well preserved overall, maintaining its artistic integrity and detail.

  • Craftsmanship:
    The sculptural work exhibits high-quality craftsmanship reflective of Soviet-era production standards. Detailed features in the face, attire, and pose capture the reverence and formalism intended by its creators.


This Vladimir Lenin figurine is a quintessential example of Soviet commemorative art, offering both historical significance and artistic value. Despite minor signs of aging, its detailed depiction of Lenin in a formal, upright stance continues to evoke the ideological reverence of the Soviet era. Ideal for collectors, historians, or enthusiasts of political memorabilia, this figurine stands as a testament to the enduring power of Soviet cultural symbolism.

Эта фигурка Ленина является классическим примером советского памятного искусства, обладая как исторической значимостью, так и художественной ценностью. Несмотря на незначительные признаки старения, детальное изображение Ленина в официальной, уверенной позе продолжает вызывать ассоциации с идеологическим почтением советской эпохи. Идеальный вариант для коллекционеров, историков или любителей политических памятных предметов, эта фигурка является свидетельством неизменной силы символики советской культуры.

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#LeninFigurine #SovietCollectible #PoliticalArt #LeninSculpture #SovietMemorabilia #HistoricalArtifact #PlasterSculpture #LeninLegacy #SovietEraArt #RevolutionaryArt

Русский (Хештеги):

#ФигуркаЛенина #СоветскийКоллекционный #ПолитическоеИскусство #СкульптураЛенина #СоветскиеПамятники #ИсторическийАртефакт #ПластиковаяСкульптура #НаследиеЛенина #СоветскоеИскусство #РеволюционноеИскусство

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