Vietnamese Catholic Missal book - Order of liturgy / Các giờ kinh phụng vụ - LITURGIA HORARUM / Hardcover in Leather cover with zipper / NXB Tón Giáo 2015 / Liturgy of the Hours
Hardcover 2015 in Leather cover with zipper
ISBN: 978-6046128182 / 9786046128182
ISBN-10: 604-61-2818-8
PAGES: 1695
LANGAUGE: Vietnamese / Tiếng Việt
Dimensions 12*18 cm
Printed in 10.000 Copies
English Summary:
Vietnamese Catholic Liturgy readings - Missal Book. - LITURGIA HORARUM - Liturgy of the Hours
A missal is a liturgical book containing all instructions and texts necessary for the celebration of Mass throughout the year.
The Liturgy of the Hours or Divine Office or Work of God or canonical hours, often referred to as the Breviary, is the official set of prayers "marking the hours of each day and sanctifying the day with prayer". It consists primarily of psalms supplemented by hymns, readings and other prayers and antiphons.