Verdi: I Lombardi / Deutekom, Domingo, Raimondi / Royal Philharmonic Orchestra, The Ambrosian Singers, Lamberto Gardelli / Philips 3x LP Stereo
6703 032
I Lombardi alla Prima Crociata (The Lombards on the First Crusade) is an operatic dramma lirico in four acts by Giuseppe Verdi to an Italian libretto by Temistocle Solera, based on an epic poem by Tommaso Grossi, which was "very much a child of its age; a grand historical novel with a patriotic slant". Its first performance was given at the Teatro alla Scala in Milan on 11 February 1843. Verdi dedicated the score to Maria Luigia, the Habsburg Duchess of Parma, who died a few weeks after the premiere. In 1847, the opera was significantly revised to become Verdi's first grand opera for performances in France at the Salle Le Peletier of the Paris Opera under the title of Jérusalem.
A lombardok (olaszul I Lombardi alla prima crociata) Giuseppe Verdi négyfelvonásos operája. Szövegkönyvét Temistocle Solera írta Tommaso Grossi eposza alapján. Bemutatójára 1843. február 11-én került sor a milánói Teatro alla Scalában. A darabot Mária Lujza pármai hercegnőnek ajánlotta. Magyarországon először 1974. április 7-én mutatták be az Erkel Színházban. A darabot Verdi 1847-ben Jérusalem cím alatt átírta a párizsi Opéra számára.
Label: Philips – 6703 032
A1 |
Prelude And Introductory Chorus (Chorus Of Citizens) |
A4 |
Chorus Of Nuns, Scene, Aria, And Chorus Of Cutthroats |
B3 |
Quintet Of Finale I
2:03 |
B4 |
Scene And Stretto Of Finale I
3:29 |
Act 2 - The Man Of The Cave
B6 |
Chorus Of Ambassadors
2:44 |
B7 |
Scene And Cavatina
1:11 |
C2 |
Scene And March Of The Crusaders
1:57 |
C3 |
Duet And Hymn Of The Crusaders
2:08 |
C4 |
Chorus Of Harem Slaves
3:08 |
C5 |
Rondo And Finale II |
4:29 |
Act 3 - The Conversion
D1 |
Procession Chorus
5:37 |
E2 |
Prelude, Trio, Finale III |
Act 4 - The Holy Sepulchre
F3 |
Chorus Of Crusaders And Pilgrims
3:58 |
F4 |
Scene, War Hymn, And Battle
5:00 |
- Chorus – The Ambrosian Singers
- Chorus Master – John McCarthy
- Composed By – Giuseppe Verdi
- Conductor – Lamberto Gardelli
- Orchestra – The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra
- Violin – Neville Taweel
- Vocals [A Prior Of Milan] – Keith Erwen
- Vocals [Acciano] – Clifford Grant
- Vocals [Arvino] – Jerome Lo Monaco
- Vocals [Giselda] – Cristina Deutekom
- Vocals [Oronte] – Placido Domingo
- Vocals [Pagano] – Ruggero Raimondi
- Vocals [Pirro] – Stafford Dean
- Vocals [Sofia] – Montserrat Aparici
- Vocals [Viclinda] – Desdemona Malvisi

BOX #66