Uthenga Wabwino Wolemdedwa Ndi Yohane
Chichewa Language Gospel of John
Product Details | Tsatanetsatane wa Buku
- Title | Dzina la Buku: Uthenga Wabwino Wolemdedwa Ndi Yohane
- English Title: Gospel of John in Chichewa
- Publisher | Wofalitsa: Gute Botschaft Verlag (GBV)
- ISBN-13: 9783961623945
- ISBN-10: 3961623945
- Pages | Masamba: 64
- Format | Mtundu wa Bukuli: Paperback
- Publication Year | Chaka Chofalitsidwa: 2019
- Language | Chilankhulo: Chichewa
Overview | Chidule cha Buku
Uthenga Wabwino Wolemdedwa Ndi Yohane ndi Baibulo la Uthenga Wabwino mwa Yohane, lolemba m’Chichewa. Bukuli limapereka uthenga wa Moyo ndi Chisomo chomwe Yesu Khristu anabweretsa kudzera m'chipulumutso cha Mulungu.
M'bukuli, Yohane akufotokoza bwino za umulungu wa Yesu, ntchito zake, ndi chifuniro chake chabwino pa anthu onse. Ndi buku lopindulitsa kwa aliyense amene akufuna kudziwa kwambiri za uthenga wa Yesu m'Chichewa, chilankhulo chomwe chimalankhulidwa ndi anthu ambiri ku Malawi ndi madera ena a ku Africa.
Ndi chida chabwino cha chiphunzitso, cha maphunziro a Baibulo, komanso cholimbikitsa chikhulupiriro kwa onse amene akufunafuna choonadi cha Mulungu.
Uthenga Wabwino Wolemdedwa Ndi Yohane is the Gospel of John in the Chichewa language. This book presents the message of Life and Grace that Jesus Christ brought through God’s salvation.
In this Gospel, John clearly describes Jesus’ divinity, His works, and His divine mission for all mankind. It is an excellent resource for those seeking a deeper understanding of Jesus’ message in Chichewa, a widely spoken language in Malawi and other parts of Africa.
It serves as a valuable tool for Bible study, personal devotion, and strengthening one’s faith in God’s truth.
Key Features | Zofunika Kwambiri
✅ Mawu A Mulungu M’Chichewa – Baibulo la Uthenga Wabwino wa Yohane, lolembedwa mu Chichewa.
✅ Yosavuta Kumvetsa – Malembo osavuta kumvetsa kwa aliyense amene amalankhula Chichewa.
✅ Buku Lochepa Koma Lofunika – 64 masamba okhudza Uthenga Wabwino wa Yesu.
✅ Loyenera Aphunzitsi Ndi Ophunzira – Chothandiza kwa ophunzira a Baibulo ndi ophunzitsa.
✅ Paperback Edition – Buku losavuta kunyamula, loyenera kugwiritsa ntchito nthawi iliyonse.
✅ God’s Word in Chichewa – The Gospel of John written in Chichewa.
✅ Easy to Understand – Simple language for all Chichewa-speaking readers.
✅ Compact but Powerful – 64 pages covering the Good News of Jesus Christ.
✅ Great for Teaching and Learning – Useful for Bible study students and teachers.
✅ Paperback Edition – Lightweight and convenient for daily use.
Interesting Facts | Zinthu Zosangalatsa
Chichewa ndi Chimodzi mwa zilankhulo za Malawi – Chichewa chimayankhulidwa ndi anthu opitilira 12 miliyoni ku Malawi, Zambia, ndi madera ena.
Uthenga Wabwino wa Yohane umayang'ana pa Umulungu wa Yesu – Yohane amafotokoza momveka bwino kuti Yesu ndi Mwana wa Mulungu.
Mawu Oyamba a Yohane 1:1-3 ndi ofanana ndi Genesis 1:1 – Amasonyeza kuti Yesu anali ndi Mulungu kuyambira pachiyambi.
Baibulo la Chichewa linayamba kumasuliridwa mu zaka za 1900 – Lakhala likugwiritsidwa ntchito kwa zaka zambiri pophunzitsa uthenga wa Khristu.
Chichewa is one of Malawi’s official languages – It is spoken by over 12 million people in Malawi, Zambia, and other regions.
The Gospel of John focuses on Jesus’ divinity – John clearly presents Jesus as the Son of God.
John 1:1-3 echoes Genesis 1:1 – Showing that Jesus existed with God from the beginning.
The Chichewa Bible translation began in the early 1900s – It has been widely used to spread the message of Christ.
Publisher | Wofalitsa
Buku ili lofalitsidwa ndi Gute Botschaft Verlag (GBV), omwe amadziwika ndi kufalitsa mabuku a m'Baibulo m’zilankhulo zosiyanasiyana kuti atumize Uthenga Wabwino kwa anthu ambiri padziko lonse.
This book is published by Gute Botschaft Verlag (GBV), known for producing Bible translations in various languages to spread the Good News worldwide.
Reviews | Ndemanga za Owerenga
Ndikondwera kuti pali Baibulo la Yohane m’Chichewa! Zimatithandiza kumvetsetsa Mawu a Mulungu bwino. – Owerenga
Buku losavuta kumvetsa, ndilothandiza kwa aliyense amene akufuna kudziwa Yesu. – M’phunzitsi wa Baibulo
I am glad that the Gospel of John is available in Chichewa! It helps us understand God’s Word better. – Reader
A simple and easy-to-understand book, perfect for anyone who wants to know Jesus. – Bible teacher
Tiuzeni maganizo anu! Ndemanga zanu ndizofunika kwambiri – lembani ndemanga yanu kuti ena adziwe momwe bukuli lilili!
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