
Uthenga Wabwino wolembedwa ndi Mateyu / Chichewa langauge Gospel of Matthew / Gute Botschaft Verlag 2019 / GBV 1953010 / Paperback

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Uthenga Wabwino Wolembedwa Ndi Mateyu – Chichewa Language Gospel of Matthew

Product Details / Zambiri Zokhudza Buku

  • Title: Uthenga Wabwino Wolembedwa Ndi Mateyu – Gospel of Matthew in Chichewa
  • Format: Paperback (2019)
  • ISBN-13: 9783961623938
  • ISBN-10: 3961623937
  • Pages: 80
  • Publisher: Gute Botschaft Verlag
  • Language: Chichewa

Description / Kufotokozera

Uthenga Wabwino Wolembedwa Ndi Mateyu ndi gawo loyamba la Chipangano Chatsopano ndipo limafotokoza za moyo, utumiki, imfa, ndi kuuka kwa Yesu Khristu. Buku la Mateyu limalimbikitsa ophunzira kuti akhulupirire Mesiya ndikutsatira uthenga wake.

Buku ili, lofalitsidwa ndi Gute Botschaft Verlag, ndi chida chabwino kwambiri chophunzitsira ndi kufalitsa uthenga wa Yesu. Lili m’Chichewa, chinenero chimene anthu ambiri ku Malawi ndi madera ena amagwiritsa ntchito. Ndi bwino kwa anthu onse amene akufuna kudziwa zambiri zokhudza Uthenga Wabwino.

The Gospel of Matthew is the first book of the New Testament, narrating the life, ministry, crucifixion, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. It encourages believers to follow the Messiah and live according to His teachings.

This edition, published by Gute Botschaft Verlag, is a valuable tool for evangelism and personal study. Written in Chichewa, a widely spoken language in Malawi and surrounding regions, it is perfect for sharing the Gospel message with local communities.

Key Features / Makhalidwe Apadera

Faithful Biblical Translation / M’buku lenileni la Baibulo – Limasunga tanthauzo loyambirira la mawu a Baibulo.
Ideal for Evangelism / Lili ndi uthenga wofunika kwambiri – Lothandiza kuphunzitsa ndi kufalitsa uthenga wa Yesu.
Compact and Lightweight / Losavuta kunyamula – Lingatengeke kulikonse ndipo limakhala losavuta kugawira ena.
Clear and Readable Format / Maonekedwe omveka bwino – Lolembedwa momveka bwino kuti aliyense athe kulimvetsa.
Encourages Spiritual Growth / Limathandiza kukulitsa chikhulupiriro – Lothandiza pa kulimbitsa chikhulupiriro cha okhulupirira.

Limasunga tanthauzo lenileni la Baibulo – Lingagwiritsidwe ntchito pophunzitsa ndi kuphunzira Mawu a Mulungu.
Lothandiza kuphunzitsa ndi kufalitsa Uthenga Wabwino – Ndiloyenera kugawira anthu omwe akufuna kudziwa Yesu.
Losavuta kunyamula ndi kugawira ena – Lingatengeke kulikonse popanda vuto.
Lolembedwa momveka bwino – Maonekedwe ake ndi osavuta kuwerenga.
Lothandiza pa kulimbitsa chikhulupiriro – Limapereka mphamvu kwa okhulupirira.

Interesting Facts / Zinthu Zosangalatsa

Chiyambi cha Mateyu – Mateyu anali m’gulu la ophunzira 12 a Yesu ndipo poyamba ankadziwika kuti msonkho.
Uthenga wa Ufumu wa Mulungu – Buku la Mateyu limafotokoza kwambiri za ufumu wa Mulungu ndi kufunika kolandira Yesu ngati Mesiya.
Mawu odziwika bwino a Yesu – Mateyu ali ndi Mphunzitsi Wamkulu wa Phiri (Mateyu 5-7), umodzi mwa malangizo ofunika kwambiri a Yesu.

The Origins of Matthew – Matthew was one of the 12 disciples of Jesus and was originally a tax collector.
The Message of the Kingdom of God – The Gospel of Matthew emphasizes the Kingdom of God and the necessity of accepting Jesus as the Messiah.
The Famous Teachings of Jesus – The book includes the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5-7), one of Jesus’ most important teachings.

Publisher / Wofalitsa

Gute Botschaft Verlag – Wofalitsa mabuku achikhristu amene amathandiza kufalitsa uthenga wa Yesu.
Gute Botschaft Verlag – A publisher specializing in Christian literature that helps spread the message of Jesus.

Reader Reviews / Ndemanga za Owerenga

“Ndizothandiza kwambiri pa kufalitsa uthenga wa Yesu kwa anthu a Chichewa.”
“Buku laling’ono koma lili ndi uthenga waukulu wopulumutsa moyo.”
“Losavuta kuwerenga, lokhazikika, komanso lili ndi uthenga wofunika.”

“Very helpful for spreading the Gospel among Chichewa speakers.”
“A small book, but with a powerful message of salvation.”
“Easy to read, well-structured, and carries an important message.”

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Hashtags / Ma Hashtag

#UthengaWabwino #GospelOfMatthew #Baibulo #Chichewa #Malawi #Mateyu #GuteBotschaftVerlag #Evangelism #UfumuWaMulungu #YesuKhristu

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