Turkey Around The Marmara
English: "Turkey Around The Marmara" is an insightful travel guide that explores both the European and Asian sides of the Sea of Marmara. Written by John Freely and enhanced with stunning photographs by Anthony E. Baker, this 298-page paperback provides readers with a comprehensive understanding of the rich history, culture, and natural beauty of this unique region of Turkey. Ideal for travelers and locals alike, this guidebook serves as a valuable resource for discovering the diverse landscapes and historical sites that surround the Marmara Sea.
Croatian (Translation): "Turska oko Mramornog mora" je informativni vodič koji istražuje europsku i azijsku stranu Mramornog mora. Autor John Freely, uz prekrasne fotografije Anthonyja E. Bakera, u ovoj 298-straničnoj knjižici pruža čitateljima sveobuhvatno razumijevanje bogate povijesti, kulture i prirodne ljepote ovog jedinstvenog dijela Turske. Idealno za putnike i lokalce, ovaj vodič služi kao vrijedna resursa za otkrivanje raznolikih krajolika i povijesnih znamenitosti koje okružuju Mramorno more.
Product Features
- Format: Paperback
- Pages: 298
- Publisher: Bible Society
- Publication Year: 1998
- Language: English
Interesting Facts
- The Sea of Marmara connects the Aegean Sea to the Black Sea, making it a historically significant waterway for trade and cultural exchange.
- John Freely is a noted author and historian, known for his extensive writings on Turkey and its rich heritage.
- The photographs by Anthony E. Baker beautifully capture the essence of the region, showcasing its breathtaking landscapes and vibrant local life.
Croatian (Translation):
- Mramorno more povezuje Egejsko more s Crnim morem, čineći ga povijesno značajnim plovnim putem za trgovinu i kulturnu razmjenu.
- John Freely je poznati autor i povjesničar, poznat po svojim opsežnim spisima o Turskoj i njenoj bogatoj baštini.
- Fotografije Anthonyja E. Bakera lijepo hvataju suštinu regije, prikazujući njezine prekrasne krajolike i živopisni lokalni život.
Key Publishers
- Publisher: Bible Society
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