Turkana Language Bible ABIBILIA
Black Leatherette Red Edges
Product Details
Author: Bible Society
Binding: Imitation Leather
Edition: 2014
Publisher: Bible Society
Language: Kiturkana
Pages: 1450
ID: 9789966480989
OC: 700535065153
Product Features
Abibilia: Ngakiro Naajokak is a comprehensive Bible in the Turkana language, designed for the Turkana-speaking community in Kenya. This edition is printed in a durable black leatherette with red edges, providing a long-lasting and aesthetically pleasing cover. The Bible features a double column text format, cross-references, and maps to aid in the study and understanding of the Scriptures. This edition, published in 2014 by the Bible Society of Kenya, comes from a limited print of 3,000 copies, ensuring its unique value and significance.
Interesting Facts
- Turkana Language: Spoken by the Turkana people of Kenya, primarily in Turkana County, the language is part of the Eastern Nilotic group and is closely related to languages such as Karamojong, Jie, and Teso of Uganda, Toposa in Sudan, and Nyangatom in the Sudan/Ethiopia borderlands.
- Cultural Significance: The Turkana people, with a population of around 990,000 according to the 2009 census, are part of the Ateker group, which includes several related ethnic communities.
- Language Preservation: The inclusion of the Bible in Turkana supports the preservation and use of this Eastern Nilotic language, promoting cultural and linguistic heritage among the Turkana-speaking population.
Bible Society: The Bible Society is dedicated to making the Bible available in languages that resonate with people's hearts, contributing significantly to the spiritual and cultural lives of communities worldwide.
#TurkanaBible #Abibilia #Kiturkana #BibleSociety #ChristianLiterature #LanguagePreservation #EasternNilotic #TurkanaPeople #Kenya #CulturalHeritage
Abibilia: Ngakiro Naajokak ni Biblia kamili katika lugha ya Kiturkana, iliyoundwa kwa ajili ya jamii inayozungumza Kiturkana nchini Kenya. Toleo hili limechapishwa kwa ngozi ya bandia ya rangi nyeusi na kingo nyekundu, ikitoa kifuniko kinachodumu na cha kupendeza. Biblia ina maandishi ya safu mbili, marejeleo ya msalaba, na ramani ili kusaidia katika kujifunza na kuelewa Maandiko. Toleo hili, lililochapishwa mwaka 2014 na Bible Society of Kenya, linatokana na uchapishaji wa nakala 3,000 tu, likihakikisha thamani yake ya kipekee na umuhimu wake.
Mambo ya Kuvutia
- Lugha ya Turkana: Inazungumzwa na watu wa Turkana nchini Kenya, hasa katika Kaunti ya Turkana. Lugha hii ni sehemu ya kundi la lugha za Eastern Nilotic na inahusiana kwa karibu na lugha kama Karamojong, Jie, na Teso ya Uganda, Toposa ya Sudan, na Nyangatom kwenye mpaka wa Sudan/Ethiopia.
- Umuhimu wa Kitamaduni: Watu wa Turkana, wakiwa na idadi ya takriban 990,000 kulingana na sensa ya 2009, ni sehemu ya kundi la Ateker, linalojumuisha jamii kadhaa zinazohusiana.
- Uhifadhi wa Lugha: Kuingizwa kwa Biblia katika Kiturkana kunasaidia kuhifadhi na kutumia lugha hii ya Eastern Nilotic, kukuza urithi wa kitamaduni na lugha miongoni mwa jamii inayozungumza Kiturkana.
Bible Society: Bible Society imejitolea kufanya Biblia ipatikane katika lugha zinazogusa mioyo ya watu, ikichangia sana maisha ya kiroho na kitamaduni ya jamii ulimwenguni kote.
#BibliaTurkana #Abibilia #Kiturkana #BibleSociety #FasihiYaKikristo #UhifadhiWaLugha #EasternNilotic #WatuWaTurkana #Kenya #UrithiWaKitamaduni