Iconic Soviet-Era Lenin Propaganda Banner - A Vintage Marxism-Leninism Collectible
Made in U.S.S.R.
This vintage Soviet-era banner is a striking piece of history, showcasing...
Painted Portrait of Vladimir Lenin from Communist Hungary by Mácsai István: Lenin Portre circa 1965
Oil Painting from Hungary
Sold by KEPCSARNOK VALLALAT in Budapest according to the tag...
Lenin: Válogatott művei I. / Selected Works of Lenin Vol. 1
The first volume of Lenin: Válogatott Művei (Selected Works of Lenin) is a comprehensive collection of Vladimir...
Questions of Leninism by Joseph Stalin | Вопросы ленинизма
!!! Very rare historical book on Stalin in Russian Language, condition of the book is used very good...
Wall Carpet with the portrait of Comrade Lenin / Brown Lenin Rug with Red Star and Sickle / Sovjet made rug Collector's item CCCP / U.S.S.R. Communist Memoribilia Владимир Ильич Ленин