Što Bog Sada Misli o Nama? / Croatian Language Booklet / What does God Think of Me now? / Paperback, 2005
Product details
Publisher: Radio Bible Class / Duhovna Stvarnost (2005)
Language: Croatian
Pages: 32
Translation: Jasminka Lovrec
English Summary
Now that I’m a Christian, where do I stand with the Lord? How strong is this new relationship? Is it as shaky as my ever-changing emotions? What really happened the day I accepted Christ as my Lord and Savior? The answers to these questions can be found through a study of what is often referred to as positional truth. Our staff has combined their efforts in the following pages to show that our position in Christ is closely related to what God thinks of us now.
Martin R. De Haan II
Detalji Proizvoda
Meki uvez
Izdavač: Radio Bible Class / Duhovna Stvarnost (2005)
Jezik: Hrvatski jezik
Broj Strana: 32
Prijevod s Engleskog: Jasminka Lovrec
Croatian Summary
Otkako smo prihvatili Isusa Krista, kakav je naš odnos s Bogom? Koliko je snažan taj novi odnos? Je li nestalan kao naši osećaji? Što se zapravo dogodilo kada smo prihvatili Krista kao svojeg Gospodina i Spasitelja? Odgovore na ta pitanja mogu pronaći ćete proučavanjem onog što se često naziva temeljnom istinom o čovjekovu položaju u Kristu i onome što Bog sada misli o nama.
Martin R. De Haan II