Ti si Moj Dar za svakoga / You are Mine by Max Lucado
UPC: 9789532351408
"Ti si Moj Dar za svakoga" (You are Mine) is a beautifully illustrated hardcover book by Max Lucado, aimed at helping children understand their intrinsic value as seen through God's eyes. This Croatian translation, illustrated by Sergio Martinez and translated by Sonja Tomić, invites readers into the charming world of Wemmicksville, where each character is uniquely crafted by their Creator, Eli.
Product Features
- Format: Hardcover
- Length: 48 pages
- Language: Croatian / Hrvatski
- ISBN: 9789532351408 / 978-9532351408
- ISBN-10: 953235140X
- Publisher: Verbum
- Year of Publication: 2008
Interesting Facts
- Author Background: Max Lucado is a renowned Christian author and minister with nearly 100 published works. His writing is known for its engaging storytelling and deep spiritual insights, making complex truths accessible to readers of all ages.
- Story Themes: The narrative centers around the character Punchinello, who learns that his worth is not determined by worldly possessions or comparisons but by his relationship with his Creator. This timeless message resonates with both children and adults, reminding them of their unique identity.
- Illustrations: Sergio Martinez's colorful illustrations complement Lucado's text, bringing to life the enchanting world of Wemmicksville and its inhabitants, enhancing the reading experience for young audiences.
Verbum, a respected publisher in the Croatian literary scene, is dedicated to providing enriching Christian literature that nurtures the faith and understanding of its readers.
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#MaxLucado #YouAreMine #CroatianChildrenBooks #ChristianLiterature #Wemmicksville #IllustratedBooks #VerbumPublisher #FaithAndValue #Punchinello
Croatian Translation:
"Ti si Moj Dar za svakoga" (You are Mine) je prekrasno ilustrirana tvrda knjiga autora Maxa Lucada, usmjerena na pomoć djeci da shvate svoju unutarnju vrijednost kroz Božje oči. Ovaj hrvatski prijevod, ilustriran od strane Sergia Martineza i preveden od strane Sonje Tomić, poziva čitatelje u šarmantni svijet Wemmicksville, gdje je svaki lik jedinstveno stvoren od strane svog Stvoritelja, Elija.
Zanimljive Činjenice
- Pozadina autora: Max Lucado je poznati kršćanski autor i minister s gotovo 100 objavljenih djela. Njegovo pisanje poznato je po zanimljivom pripovijedanju i dubokim duhovnim uvidima, čineći složene istine pristupačnima čitateljima svih uzrasta.
- Teme priče: Naracija se fokusira na lika Pulcinella, koji uči da njegova vrijednost nije određena svjetovnim posjedima ili usporedbama, već njegovim odnosom sa Stvoriteljem. Ova bezvremenska poruka odjekuje kako kod djece tako i kod odraslih, podsjećajući ih na njihovu jedinstvenu identitet.
- Ilustracije: Šarene ilustracije Sergia Martineza upotpunjuju Lucadovo tekst, oživljavajući čarobni svijet Wemmicksville i njegove stanovnike, obogaćujući iskustvo čitanja za mlade publike.
#MaxLucado #TiSiMojDar #HrvatskeKnjigeZaDjecu #KršćanskaKnjiževnost #Wemmicksville #IlustriraneKnjige #VerbumIzdavač #VjeraIVrijednost #Pulcinello