THEOLOGY MEETS PROGRESS. HUMAN IMPLICATIONS OF DEVELOPMENT / EDITED BY PHILIP LAND / GREGORIAN UNIVERSITY PRESS ROME 1971 / Edited and published with ecclesiastical approval by the Gregorian University Press in Rome
Publication date: 1971
Publisher: Rome, Gregorian University Press
Pages: 346
Preparations for the Second Development Decade of the United Nations have brought out still more clearly the vast dimension and gnarled complexity of the world development process. The goal of full and integral development of every man and of all peoples calls for a new level of accord among nations and for Herculean strivings to build up new economic, social and political structures for a more just and peaceful international system. This demands fresh and deepened vision of life and work, of nation and world, of God and man. The Good News of Christ does offer this vision.
But to become incarnate today the Gospel Message must enroot itself in real-life through the disciplines of economics, politics and sociology. These are "the big three" of the social sciences through which the accelerating findings of the exact sciences physics, chemistry, biology, astronomy-become the technology which is now applied on massive scale to all the human family, for the first time in history and at accelerating pace.
Economics, politics and sociology deal with those human motives and societal structures which pull together coherent combinations of skills and resources, plant and management, and human participation, appropriate for forging the myriad discoveries of the exact sciences into manageable economic and social units.
This troika, begets and implements today's technology and societywide planning, the applied power of science which now transforms the world, physically and culturally, through governmental bureaus, business enterprise, worker, farmer and professional associations, communications, educational and social institutes, and the rest. This book by Philip LAND, S. I. (Ed.) Theology Meets Progress, was edited and published with ecclesiastical approval by the Gregorian University Press in Rome, 1971.
Foreword / Joseph Gremillon. -- Editorial Note / Philip Land. -- Social and Economic Processes of Development / Philip Land. -- From Progress to Development: A History of Ideas / Peter Henrici. -- Christian Foundation of Worldly Commitment / Trutz Rendtorff. -- Theology of Development: A Question of Method / Zoltan Alszeghy & Maurizia Flick. -- Moral Aspects of Human Progress / Josef Fuchs. -- A Christian View of Progress Through Violence / José Díez-Alegría. -- Religion Against Development: The case of China / Joseph Shih. -- The Church Between Ideology and Utopia / Paolo Tufari. -- A Systematic Bibliography on the Theology of Development / Gerhard Bauer