The Word of Life Manifest in the Languages of our Forebears - The First Epistle of John
UPC: 9789812205902
Experience the rich tapestry of biblical translation with "The Word of Life Manifest in the Languages of our Forebears." This 68-page paperback, published by The Bible Society of Singapore, features the First Epistle of John in multiple languages, showcasing early translations in English, Chinese, Malay, Tamil, and Baba Malay. This collection celebrates the diversity of God's Word within Singapore's unique cultural heritage.
Product Features
- Format: Paperback
- Length: 68 pages
- Publisher: The Bible Society of Singapore
- Published: 2017
- Language: English
- ISBN-13: 978-9812205902 / 9789812205902
Interesting Facts
This collection not only highlights the First Epistle of John but also serves as a testament to the historical efforts of the Bible Society of Singapore in promoting the accessibility of scripture across different cultural and linguistic groups. The translations included reflect the early endeavors to make the Word of God available to a diverse population, preserving the heritage of faith in the region.
The Bible Society of Singapore
First Edition
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#WordOfLife #FirstEpistleOfJohn #BibleTranslations #CulturalHeritage #BibleSocietyOfSingapore #ChristianLiterature #DiversityInFaith #Scripture #MultilingualBible