金糖降妖 (The White Bone Demon) DVD
UPC: 9787884144167
ISBN: 7884144166
Overview / 概述
This Anniversary Edition DVD presents a classic Chinese animated adaptation from "Journey to the West," featuring the renowned story of Sun Wukong (Monkey King) protecting Tang Monk from the deceptive White Bone Demon. The film earned the First Prize at the 9th International Children's Film Festival in 1989.
Product Features / 产品特点
- Format: DVD5, Single Disc / 格式:DVD5,单碟
- Running Time: 86 minutes / 片长:86分钟
- Video Quality: Color / 画质:彩色
- Aspect Ratio: 16:9 / 画面比例:16:9
- Language: Chinese / 语言:中文
- Subtitles: Traditional Chinese and English / 字幕:繁体中文及英文
- Product Code: E28-03-0038-0/V39 / 产品代码:E28-03-0038-0/V39
Interesting Facts / 趣闻轶事
The story follows the Monkey King as he protects Tang Monk on their journey to retrieve Buddhist sutras from the West. When they encounter the White Bone Demon, who transforms three times to deceive Tang Monk, Sun Wukong sees through the deception and defeats the demon. However, Tang Monk misunderstands his actions, uses the golden headband spell, and banishes him.
Awards / 获奖记录:
- 1980: Young Animation Film Festival Awards (France) - Feature Film Award and People's Choice Award
- 1985: Outstanding Film Award from the Film and Television Department
1986: Golden Rooster Award for Best Art Film
- 1985年:电影电视部优秀影片奖
- 1986年:第六届金鸡奖最佳美术片奖
Publishers / 出版信息
Shanghai Publishing House / 上海出版社 Address: Shanghai City / 地址:上海市 Postal Code: 220031 / 邮编:220031
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#JourneyToTheWest #MonkeyKing #ChineseAnimation #WhiteBoneDemon #ClassicAnimation #西游记 #孙悟空 #白骨精