The Virgin Birth of Christ by J. Gresham Machen
The Virgin Birth of Christ by J. Gresham Machen is a monumental work of Christian scholarship, offering the most exhaustive and scholarly analysis of the doctrine of the Virgin Birth ever published. First released in 1959 by James Clarke & Co. Ltd., this 404-page volume meticulously examines every facet of the subject, addressing theological, historical, and critical perspectives.
Machen, one of the most esteemed New Testament scholars and defenders of historic Christianity, combines rigorous scholarship with lucid writing, making this book accessible to both theological experts and lay readers. The author’s thorough engagement with modern critical literature and unwavering commitment to orthodox Christianity provide a compelling defense of the doctrine as a cornerstone of the Christian faith.
Product Features
- Author: J. Gresham Machen, D.D., Litt.D.
- Publisher: James Clarke & Co. Ltd., London
- Publication Date: 1959
- Language: English
- Pages: 404
- Format: Hardcover
Interesting Facts
- Academic Legacy: Machen was a celebrated New Testament scholar and theologian, whose other works, such as Christianity and Liberalism (1923), have earned widespread acclaim for their defense of orthodox Protestantism.
- Praise from Diverse Critics: Even critics like Walter Lippmann, author of A Preface to Morals, lauded Machen’s scholarship and intellectual rigor, calling him “both a scholar and a gentleman.”
- Comprehensive Scope: The book examines the Virgin Birth from every conceivable angle, including its scriptural basis, historical context, and theological implications, as well as engaging with modern critical scholarship.
- Apologetic Value: The book serves not only as a theological treatise but also as a robust defense of the historic Christian doctrine, providing a wealth of information for ministers, Bible teachers, and scholars.
- Enduring Relevance: Despite being written decades ago, the book remains a definitive resource on the Virgin Birth, widely regarded as a cornerstone of theological study.
Published by James Clarke & Co. Ltd., this work is a vital contribution to Christian theology and scholarship.
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