The Secret of Nabelan Kabelan – Jacques H. Teeuwen
The Secret of Nabelan Kabelan by Jacques H. Teeuwen is an extraordinary and true account of the transformation of the Dani people, a Stone Age tribe, through their encounter with Jesus Christ. The book recounts the author's journey into the depths of the jungles of New Guinea, where he faced cultural and linguistic barriers, fear, and spiritual darkness. Through faith, perseverance, and the power of the Gospel, Teeuwen documents the miraculous changes in a community that had been searching for "Nabelan Kabelan" – eternal life. This story is a modern-day reflection of the Book of Acts, showcasing lives transformed by the liberating power of Jesus Christ.
Product Features
- Format: Not specified
- Length: Likely a full-length book
- Language: English
- Genre: Christian testimony, missions, cultural anthropology
- Publisher: Not specified
- ISBN: Not available
Interesting Facts
- The book’s title, Nabelan Kabelan, refers to the Dani people’s concept of eternal life, which they had been seeking for generations before encountering the Gospel.
- Brother Andrew, founder of Open Doors International, commends the work and highlights the impact Jacques Teeuwen and his team had on the Dani people.
- The book describes miraculous events including mass baptisms, demonic deliverance, and the establishment of a thriving Christian community among the Dani people.
- Rev. Chris Thomas, International Director of Torchbearers, praises the book as an inspiring testimony of God’s power to transform lives, whether in a Stone Age culture or in modern societies.
- The story provides a striking contrast between the "stone age" lifestyle of the Dani and the spiritual light brought to them through the Gospel.
Specific publisher information is not included, but the work is endorsed by notable Christian leaders such as Brother Andrew (Open Doors International) and Rev. Chris Thomas (Torchbearers International).
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