天路历程 / The Pilgrim's Progress
UPC: 9787504363053
Overview / 概述
天路历程是约翰·班扬(John Bunyan)所著的经典基督教文学作品,简体中文版本于2011年出版。这本书以精美的硬壳装帧呈现,共295页,讲述了基督徒的灵性旅程。书中通过主人公基督徒的冒险,描绘了他从毁灭之城出发,经历重重考验,最终抵达天国的过程。每一章节都充满了深刻的象征意义和道德教训,激励读者在信仰的道路上不断前行。
The Pilgrim's Progress is a classic work of Christian literature by John Bunyan, published in Simplified Chinese in 2011. This beautifully bound hardcover edition consists of 295 pages and narrates the spiritual journey of a Christian. Through the adventures of the protagonist, Christian, the book depicts his departure from the City of Destruction, the trials he faces, and his ultimate arrival at the Celestial City. Each chapter is rich with profound symbolism and moral lessons, inspiring readers to persevere on their own faith journeys.
Product Features / 产品特点
- Author / 作者: John Bunyan
- Translated by / 翻译者: 陈刚 (Chen Gang)
- Publisher / 出版社: China Radio and Television Publishing
- Publication Year / 出版年份: 2011 (1st Edition)
- Language / 语言: Simplified Chinese / 简体中文
- Format / 格式: Hardcover / 硬壳本
- Pages / 页数: 295
- Size / 尺寸: 1230 x 880 mm
- ISBN: 9787504363053
Interesting Facts / 有趣的事实
- 天路历程是基督教文学中最重要的作品之一,自1678年首次出版以来,已被翻译成超过200种语言,影响深远。
- 该书不仅是宗教经典,也是文学经典,许多作家和思想家都受到其启发。
The Pilgrim's Progress is one of the most significant works in Christian literature, first published in 1678, and has since been translated into over 200 languages, having a profound impact.
- The book is not only a religious classic but also a literary classic, inspiring many writers and thinkers.
- Bunyan wrote this work while imprisoned, reflecting his steadfast faith and longing for freedom.
Track Listing / 目录
N/A (Literary Work) / N/D (文学作品)
Publishers / 出版商
- China Radio and Television Publishing / 中国广播电视出版社
Hashtags / 标签
#天路历程 #ThePilgrimsProgress #JohnBunyan #ChristianLiterature #SimplifiedChinese #FaithJourney #SpiritualGrowth #ClassicLiterature #Allegory #Salvation