The Piano Player DVD 2002 Fegyverek Dallama / Directed by Jean-Pierre Roux / Starring Christopher Lambert, Dennis Hopper
UPC 5998133144836
AUDIO: English 2.0, Hungarian 5.1
SUBTITLES: Slovenian, Croatian
TOTAL RUNTIME: 87 minutes
English Summary:
South Africa, 1950: A gold mining village in the desert. To survive, a boy must be as tough and as clever as a grown man. Robert Nile is such a boy. His only goal is to run away, to break with the life he knows, to be success... Cape Town, 1966: A man shoots dead the parents of a young piano player, Alex. But the gunman cannot bring himself to shoot the boy and Alex is left behind, traumatized... Koln, Germany, 29 years later: Having dispatched an ugly man, the killer of a 7-year-old little girl, Alex reports back to his boss, Fernand, who informs him that his next job will be in South Africa protecting a powerful and wealthy businessman, Robert Nile. South Africa. Alex arrives in Cape Town. A new place, a new job - perhaps the start of a normal life. But Robert has been forced into testifying against mobster Christo Nichol – and no one is safe from Christo?s clutches. Alex realizes that Roberts?s connections to the criminal underworld
Hungarian Summary:
Cape Town, 1966: lágy zene hallatszik, valaki gyakorol, Beethovent játszik. A ház előtt egy autó áll meg, egy idegen tör be a családi fészekbe, és hidegvérrel meggyilkolja a fiatal zongorista, Alex szüleit. A fegyveres képtelen rávenni magát, hogy meggyilkolja a kisfiút is, Alex egyedül marad, sokkolva... A 29 éves Alex megérkezik Cape Town-ba. Új hely, új munka, talán végre elkezdi élni a "normális" emberek hétköznapi életét. Farrell mellett dolgozik, mint jobbkeze, a munkában egyenesnek, szókimondónak tartják, de Robertet tanúvallomásra kényszerítik a maffiózó Christo Nichol ellen, és senki sem mentheti meg Christo befolyásától. A hazatérésnek nagy ára van.
Cast / Szereplők:
Christopher Lambert
Dennis Hopper
Simon Mabija
James Faulkner
Jeane Manson
Mode Theu
Diane Kruger
- Original title
- The Piano Player
- Country
United Kingdom
- Director
- Jean-Pierre Roux
- Screenwriter
Brad Mirman
- Music
Francis Haines, Stephen W. Parsons
- Cinematography
Larry Smith
- Producer
Co-production UK-USA-Germany-Spain; American Video Films / Bauer Martinez Studios / Bladerealm Ltd. / Film Afrika Worldwide / Splendid Pictures