The Passion Play 2000 - Oberammergau / Audio CD
UPC 5999048917782
The Oberammergau Passion Play (German: Oberammergauer Passionsspiele) is a passion play that has been performed every 10 years since 1634 by the inhabitants of the village of Oberammergau, Bavaria, Germany. It was written by Othmar Weis, J A Daisenberger, Otto Huber, Christian Stuckl, Rochus Dedler, Eugen Papst, Marcus Zwink, Ingrid H Shafer, and the inhabitants of Oberammergau, with music by Dedler. Since its first production it has been performed on open-air stages in the village. The text of the play is a composite of four distinct manuscripts dating from the 15th and 16th centuries.
The play is a staging of Jesus' passion, covering the short final period of his life from his visit to Jerusalem and leading to his execution by crucifixion. It is the earliest continuous survivor of the age of Christian religions vernacular drama. It has also frequently been criticized as antisemitic. However, a multi-decade effort to reduce antisemitic content led by the American Jewish Committee and other Jewish and Christian allies, has, in recent decades, lead to substantial revisions in the play. The play's current director, Christian Stuckl, has collaborated extensively on this effort with such organizations.Tracklist:
1. Ouvertüre 3:24
2. Vom Prolog zum Einzug in Jerusalem 5:00
From the Prologue to the Entry into Jerusalem
3. Vorbild: Der Tanz um das goldene Kalb / Gang nach Jerusalem 5:06
Tableau: The Dance of the Golden Calf / The Journey to Jerusalem
4. Vorbild: Pessachmahl / Abendmahl 10:43
Tableau: The Passover Meal / The Last Supper
5. Vorbild: Moses vor dem Dornbusch / Jesus am Ölberg 6:15
Tableau: Moses and the Burning Bush/ Jesus on the Mount of Olives
6. Betrachtung: Gefangennahme Jesu 4:46
Contemplation: Jesus is Arrested
7. Vorbild: Daniel in der Löwengrube / Jesus zu Unrecht angeklagt 3: 14
Tableau: Daniel in the Lions’ Den / Jesus is Wrongl'y Accused
8. Vorbild: Hiob im Elend / Verspottung Jesu 3:12
Tableau: Job’s Misery / The Mocking of Jesus
9. Vorbild: Verzweiflung des Kain / Judas’ Verzweiflung 6:27
Tableau: Cain’s Despair / Judas’s Despair
10. Musik zum Auftritt des Hohen Rates 2:05
Music accompaning the Arrival of the High Council
11. Vorbild: Isaaks Opfer / Kreuzweg 3:26
Tableau: Isaac’s Sacrifice / The Way of the Cross
12. Chor zur Grablegung 2:41
Choral piece: Christ’s Body is placed in the Grave
13. Zur Auferstehung 5:05
The Resurrection