The New Testament in the Adyghe (Circassian)
The New Testament in the Adyghe (Circassian) Language is a translation of the Christian New Testament into Adyghe, also known as Circassian. This edition, published in 1991 by the Institute for Bible Translation, provides a vital resource for speakers of the Adyghe language, offering them access to the teachings of Jesus Christ in their native tongue.
Product Features
- Language: Adyghe (Circassian)
- Format: Hardcover
- Pages 814
- Publication Year: 1991
- Publisher: Institute for Bible Translation
- Content: Full text of the New Testament
Interesting Facts
- The Adyghe language, part of the Northwest Caucasian language family, is spoken by the Circassian people, primarily in the Caucasus region.
- This translation was undertaken by the Institute for Bible Translation, an organization dedicated to making the Bible accessible to minority language groups.
- The New Testament, also known as the Injil in Islamic tradition, is a cornerstone of Christian scripture, detailing the life, teachings, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
- This edition is one of the few comprehensive Christian texts available in the Adyghe language, making it a significant cultural and spiritual resource.
Institute for Bible Translation, 1991
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Translation (Adyghe)
Къэбарыштур (Инджыл) адыгабзэкӀэ – Къэбарыштыр адыгабзэкӀэ зэщӀагъэ, 1991 ш. Библиер зэзыдзэкӀырэ Институтыр кӀэлъэгъу. Адыгэбзэм къыщӀагъэ, Иисус Христосыр къыщӀагъэм я къэбарыштыр зэщӀагъэ.
Interesting Facts
- Адыгэбзэ – Адыгэ хэкум я зэщӀагъэ, Кавказым ящӀэм кӀэлъэгъу.
- Библиер зэзыдзэкӀырэ Институтыр, адыгэбзэм къыщӀагъэ къэбарыштыр зэщӀагъэ.
- Къэбарыштыр (Инджыл) христианыр къыщӀагъэм я къэбарыштыр зэщӀагъэ, Иисус Христосыр къыщӀагъэм я къэбарыштыр зэщӀагъэ.
- Адыгэбзэм къыщӀагъэ къэбарыштыр зэщӀагъэ, адыгэ хэкум я къэбарыштыр зэщӀагъэ.
#АдыгэБиблие #Къэбарыштыр #Адыгэбзэ #ХристианырКъэбарыштыр #ИисусХристос #Инджыл #АдыгэХэкум #БиблиерЗэзыдзэкӀырэ