The Message of the Cross (Chinese) - 十字架的信息
The Message of the Cross (十字架的信息) is an evangelistic booklet written in Simplified Chinese, designed to share the transformative message of the gospel. Published by Gute Botschaft Verlag in 2018, this booklet explains the significance of the cross and its power to bring salvation to those who believe. Drawing from key Bible verses such as 1 Corinthians 1:18 and 1 Peter 3:18, it emphasizes Jesus Christ’s ultimate sacrifice for humanity's sins and offers readers the opportunity to come to God through faith in Jesus. It is an excellent resource for personal reflection, evangelism, and outreach.
Product Features
- Format: Booklet, stapled
- Pages: Not specified
- Language: Chinese (Simplified)
- Publisher: Gute Botschaft Verlag (2018)
- Code: GBV 1195450
- Purpose: Evangelistic booklet explaining the significance of the cross and salvation through Jesus Christ.
Interesting Facts
- Biblical Foundation: This booklet is based on powerful scripture passages, including 1 Corinthians 1:18 ("For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.") and 1 Peter 3:18.
- Evangelistic Tool: It is designed for sharing the gospel with Chinese-speaking individuals, making it an effective resource for outreach and missions.
- Clear and Simple Message: Written in concise language, this booklet presents the core of the Christian faith—salvation through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the cross.
- Published by Gute Botschaft Verlag: Known for producing high-quality Christian literature, Gute Botschaft Verlag continues its commitment to spreading the gospel with this Chinese-language publication.
- Portable and Easy to Distribute: Its stapled booklet format makes it lightweight and easy to share during evangelism events or personal outreach.
Gute Botschaft Verlag
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#TheMessageOfTheCross #十字架的信息 #ChineseChristianBooklet #ChineseEvangelism #GuteBotschaftVerlag #GBV1195450 #JesusChrist #SalvationThroughFaith #ChristianLiterature #EvangelismTool #BiblicalMessage #1Corinthians118 #1Peter318 #Acts1631 #FaithResources
《十字架的信息》是一本用简体中文书写的福音小册子,旨在传递福音信息的变革力量。本书由 Gute Botschaft Verlag 于2018年出版,重点讲解十字架的意义及其为信靠者带来的救恩大能。通过引用《哥林多前书》1:18和《彼得前书》3:18等关键经文,本书强调耶稣基督为人类罪孽所作的终极牺牲,并邀请读者通过信靠耶稣基督与神和好。这是一本适合个人反思、福音传播和外展活动的优秀资源。
- 类型: 小册子,装订成册
- 页数: 未提供
- 语言: 简体中文
- 出版社: Gute Botschaft Verlag (2018)
- 代码: GBV 1195450
- 用途: 福音传播小册子,讲解十字架的意义以及通过耶稣基督得救的方式。
- 圣经基础: 本书基于重要的经文,例如《哥林多前书》1:18:“因为十字架的道理,在那灭亡的人为愚拙;在我们得救的人却为神的大能。”以及《彼得前书》3:18。
- 福音传播工具: 专为与中文读者分享福音而设计,是传教和外展活动的有效资源。
- 清晰简洁的信息: 本小册子用简明的语言阐述了基督信仰的核心——通过耶稣基督在十字架上的牺牲得救。
- 由 Gute Botschaft Verlag 出版: 著名的福音出版社,致力于通过高质量的基督教文学作品传播福音,本书是其中文出版物之一。
- 便携且易于分发: 小册子的装订格式轻便,适合在福音活动或个人传播中分享。
Gute Botschaft Verlag
#十字架的信息 #TheMessageOfTheCross #中文福音小册子 #中文福音传播 #GuteBotschaftVerlag #GBV1195450 #耶稣基督 #信靠得救 #基督教文学 #福音传播工具 #圣经信息 #哥林多前书118 #彼得前书318 #使徒行传1631 #信仰资源