The Marriage Preparation Course DVD Set by Nicky & Sila Lee
"The Marriage Preparation Course" DVD Set, created by Nicky & Sila Lee, is a comprehensive resource designed to help couples prepare for a healthy marriage that lasts a lifetime. Tailored for Chinese-speaking audiences, this set includes essential materials for pre-marriage preparation, making it an invaluable asset for couples about to embark on their marital journey.
Product Features
- Format: DVD, NTSC, Color
- Number of Discs: 2
- Voice Options: English, Chinese, Cantonese
- Subtitles: Available in English, Chinese Simplified, Chinese Traditional
- Accompanying Materials: Includes Leader's Guide and 2 Guest Manuals
- ISBN: 9787887354013
Interesting Facts
- The course is designed to create a safe and supportive environment for couples to discuss important topics before marriage.
- It has been effectively used by numerous couples globally, receiving positive feedback for its practical and relatable content.
- The comprehensive guides provide facilitators with essential tools to lead discussions effectively and ensure an engaging experience.
- Nicky & Sila Lee, experienced marriage educators, have crafted this course based on their extensive work in relationship counseling.
- Publisher: CLC Italy, Josh McDowell Ministry
- Publication Date: 2017
- Language: Chinese Simplified, with English and Cantonese options for audio and subtitles
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Bilingual Translations
Overview (Chinese Simplified)
《婚姻准备课程》DVD套装由Nicky和Sila Lee创建,是一个全面的资源,旨在帮助夫妻准备持久健康的婚姻。该套装特别为讲中文的受众量身定制,包含婚前准备的基本材料,是即将步入婚姻旅程的夫妻不可或缺的资产。
Interesting Facts (Chinese Simplified)
- 该课程旨在为夫妻创造一个安全和支持的环境,以讨论婚前重要话题。
- 全球已有众多夫妻成功使用该课程,并对其实用和相关的内容给予了积极反馈。
- 综合指南为主持人提供了有效引导讨论所需的基本工具,确保互动体验。
- Nicky和Sila Lee是经验丰富的婚姻教育工作者,基于他们在关系咨询方面的广泛工作编写了此课程。
Hashtags (Chinese Simplified)
#婚姻准备 #Nicky和SilaLee #健康关系 #婚前课程 #夫妻咨询 #在线购买 #中文版