The Little Mole and His Friends - Frog Plush Toy
Overview | Përmbledhje
The Little Mole and His Friends - Frog is a charming plush toy that brings to life one of the most beloved characters from Czech animation. Made in the Czech Republic, this hand-crafted plush features the frog from the Little Mole series, a treasured character for children worldwide. With its soft and cuddly design, it's perfect for toddlers aged 0 and above, making it a wonderful gift for young children to enjoy and bond with.
Krtek és barátai - Béka është një lodër me pëlhurë e bukur që solli në jetë një nga personazhet më të dashur të animacionit çek. E prodhuar me dorë në Republikën Çeke, kjo lodër e butë paraqet kërcën nga seria Krtek, një personazh i çmuar për fëmijët në mbarë botën. Me dizajn të butë dhe të ngushëllueshëm, është perfekte për fëmijët nga mosha 0 dhe më lart, duke e bërë një dhuratë të shkëlqyer për fëmijët e vegjël për t'u kënaqur dhe lidhur me të.
Product Features | Karakteristikat e Produktit
- Material | Materiali: Hand-made plush | Lodër me pëlhurë e punuar me dorë
- Dimensions | Pesha: 12 cm (Height) | 4.7 Inches
- Age Range | Grupi i Moshës: 0+ (Suitable for toddlers) | I përshtatshëm për fëmijë të vegjël
- Made In | Prodhimi në: Czech Republic | Republikën Çeke
- Product Code | Kodi i Produktit: 49702BOX
- Manufacturer | Prodhuesi: Moravská Ústredna Brno - družstvo umelecké vyroby
Interesting Facts | Fakte Interesante
The Little Mole (Krtek) is one of the most beloved animated characters in Czech culture, with a history dating back to 1956.
The frog character, known for its friendly and playful demeanor, is part of a popular series that teaches kids about friendship and nature.
Hand-crafted in the Czech Republic, ensuring high-quality craftsmanship and a unique touch for each plush toy.
A perfect companion for toddlers to cuddle with, encouraging both imagination and a connection with the world of animation.
The series is widely adored by children for its educational and entertaining qualities.
Krtek (Little Mole) është një nga personazhet më të dashur të animacionit në kulturën çeke, me një histori që daton nga viti 1956.
Personazhi i kërcënit, i njohur për sjelljen e tij miqësore dhe të luajshme, është pjesë e një serie të njohur që i mëson fëmijët për miqësinë dhe natyrën.
Prodhimi me dorë në Republikën Çeke siguron mjeshtëri të lartë dhe një prekje unike për çdo lodër.
Një shoqërues i përsosur për fëmijët që të përqafohen, duke inkurajuar si imagjinatën ashtu edhe lidhjen me botën e animacionit.
Seria është shumë e dashur nga fëmijët për cilësitë e saj edukative dhe argëtuese.
Publisher | Botuesi
Moravská Ústredna Brno is a well-known Czech producer, renowned for its high-quality hand-crafted toys and creations, preserving the tradition of Czech craftsmanship.
Moravská Ústredna Brno është një prodhues i njohur çek, i njohur për lodrat dhe krijimet e tij të punuara me dorë me cilësi të lartë, duke ruajtur traditën e mjeshtërisë çeke.
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"Ne e vlerësojmë mendimin tuaj! Ndani përvojën tuaj me këtë produkt për të ndihmuar të tjerët të bëjnë zgjedhje të informuara. Shqyrtimi juaj është i rëndësishëm për ne!"
Hashtags | Hashtag-e
#LittleMole #KrtekToys #CzechToys #PlushFrog #ToddlerGifts #CzechRepublicCrafts #CzechAnimation #KidsPlush #BékaToys #KrtečekLodër
#LittleMolePlush #CzechMadeToys #FrogPlushToy #CzechAnimationToys #HandmadeToys #KidsGifts #ToddlerToys #PlushToysForKids #KrtekAndFriends
Mole (Czech: Krtek, Krteček) is an animated character in a series of cartoons created by Czech animator Zdeněk Miler. The premiere of the first short film with Mole took place at the Venice Film Festival in 1957. Since its inception, the cartoon has gained enormous popularity in many Central European countries, as well as India, China, Kazakhstan, Croatia, Finland, Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Iran, Iraq, and Japan.
Krtek was first seen in 1956 in Prague, when Miler wanted to create a children's cartoon about how flax is processed. He wanted a strong Disney influence to the cartoon by choosing an animal for the leading role, and decided to pick a mole after stumbling over a molehill during a walk. The first film, called "Jak krtek ke kalhotkám přišel" ("How the mole got his trousers"), had its premiere at the Venice Film Festival in 1957, where it was awarded two Golden Lions. Production for further episodes started in 1963 and since then, around 50 episodes have been created.
Zdeněk Miler (Czech pronunciation: [ˈzdɛɲɛk ˈmɪlɛr]; 21 February 1921 – 30 November 2011) was a Czech animator and illustrator best known for his Mole (Krtek or Krteček in original) character and its adventures.
Miler made about 70 films. In approximately 50 of them, the protagonist was his most famous creation, the small mole (Krtek in Czech). The idea for its creation ame when he was commissioned to make an educational film for children in 1956. He was not happy with the script he was given. Since he was strongly influenced by the films of Walt Disney, he looked for an animal as the main character. Later, he said that the idea to use a mole as his main character came to him when he stumbled over a mole hill during a walk. The first film was titled Jak krtek ke kalhotkám přišel (How the mole got his trousers), which won a Silver Lion at the Venice Film Festival. In the beginning, the mole spoke, but Miler wanted his creation to be understood everywhere in the world, so he decided to use his daughters as voice actors, reducing the speech to short non-figurative exclamations in order to express Krtek's feelings and world perception. His daughters were also his test audience, who got to see the films first. Thus, Miler could see whether his message resonated with children.
Krtek was a huge success in Czechoslovakia, Eastern Europe, and Germany from the beginning, and today Krtek can be seen in over 80 countries.