The Legislative History of the Shariah Act by Christine Amjad-Ali and Charles Amjad-Ali
The Legislative History of the Shariah Act offers a detailed examination of the complexities surrounding the implementation of Islamic law within the context of Pakistan's political framework. Authored by Christine Amjad-Ali and Charles Amjad-Ali, this book contextualizes Pakistan's struggle to balance its identity as an ideological state rooted in Islam with the operational demands of modern political structures. Published by the Christian Study Centre in Rawalpindi in 1992, this scholarly work provides valuable insights into the evolving relationship between religion and governance in Pakistan.
Product Features
- Product Type: Paperback
- Pages: 98
- Publisher: Christian Study Centre
- Publication Year: 1992
- Language: English
Interesting Facts
- Pakistan was the first contemporary nation-state to define itself in religious terms after gaining independence from colonial rule, setting a precedent that was later followed by Israel.
- The book discusses the ongoing constitutional debates that have attempted to maintain a balance between Islamic ideology and modern political institutions over the past 45 years.
- The authors highlight how the political dynamics in Pakistan often exploit religion for strategic advantages, particularly in the context of the Shariah Act's implementation.
- Publisher: Christian Study Centre
- Publication Location: Rawalpindi, Pakistan
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