The King of the Earth by Erich Sauer
UPC: 0853640092
"The King of the Earth" by Erich Sauer explores God’s overarching purpose for humanity in the context of creation, the fall, and redemption. Sauer’s clear and lucid treatment delves into profound theological themes, including mankind’s royal commission, the role of the first and second Adam, and the cosmic conflict between God and Satan.
This thought-provoking book also addresses critical doctrinal topics, such as the existence of a personal devil, proofs of God’s existence, interpretations of the creation narrative, and the theory of evolution. While not a systematic theology, the book offers rich insights grounded firmly in Scripture, making it an essential read for students of theology and serious Bible readers.
Product Features
- Format: Paperback
- Page Count: 256 pages
- Dimensions: Standard trade paperback size
- ISBN-10: 0853640092
- ISBN-13: 978-0853640097 / 9780853640097
- Publisher: The Paternoster Press
- Language: English
- Topic: Christian Theology / Christology
Interesting Facts
- Theme of Redemption: Sauer examines how humanity’s original commission as stewards of the earth is restored through Christ, the Second Adam.
- Biblically Rooted: The book maintains a strong biblical foundation, providing a scriptural lens for understanding God’s purpose for creation and redemption.
- Addressing Big Questions: Sauer tackles significant theological and philosophical questions, such as the nature of evil, proofs of God, and mankind’s role in creation.
- Accessible yet Profound: Written with clarity, the book offers profound insights without requiring advanced theological training, making it suitable for a wide audience.
- Legacy of Erich Sauer: A respected theologian, Sauer is known for his ability to articulate complex theological concepts in a way that inspires faith and understanding.
The Paternoster Press, known for its commitment to producing biblically grounded and theologically rich resources, has published this classic work to challenge and deepen readers’ understanding of God’s purpose for creation.
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