
圣经 - 神版导读本 | The Holy Bible - Shen Version (Study Edition)

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圣经 - 神版导读本 | The Holy Bible - Shen Version (Study Edition)

UPC: 010208-5080

概述 | Overview

This Bible adopts the "Shen Version," where references to "Shen" (God) can also be read as "ShangDi." As a study edition, it not only contains the essential scriptures but also offers unique insights into Christian faith and Bible study. Designed to guide readers in understanding Christ's love and the path of redemption while exploring God's revelation and salvation plan.

产品特点 | Product Features

  • 版本 | Edition: 神版导读本 | Shen Version (Study Edition)
  • 语言 | Language: 简体中文 | Simplified Chinese
  • 规格 | Dimensions: 210 x 155 毫米(32K) | 210 x 155 mm (32K)
  • 出版日期 | Publication Date: 2021年9月(2009年版) | September 2021 (2009 Edition)
  • 印刷 | Printing: 周家渡印刷有限公司 | Zhoujiadu Printing Co., Ltd.
  • 特性 | Features:
    • 深入解读《圣经》关键主题 | In-depth exploration of key Bible themes.
    • 强调基督的爱与复活的重要意义 | Highlights the importance of Christ's love and resurrection.
    • 轻便设计,适合日常阅读与携带 | Portable design for daily reading and study.

有趣的背景 | Interesting Facts

  1. 经典引用 | Key Scripture:
    哥林多后书5章14-15节(2 Corinthians 5:14-15):

    For the love of Christ compels us, because we judge thus: that if One died for all, then all died; and He died for all, that those who live should live no longer for themselves, but for Him who died for them and rose again.

  2. 发行历史 | Distribution History:
    Since 1980, the China Christian Council and the Three-Self Patriotic Movement have printed and distributed over 50 million copies of the Bible, a remarkable achievement in Chinese history.
  3. 全球地位 | Global Standing:
    The Bible is one of the most widely distributed books globally, with over 20 billion copies printed, earning the title "Book of Books."

出版社 | Publishers

  • 出版发行单位 | Publisher: 中国基督教三自爱国运动委员会、中国基督教协会 | China Christian Council, Three-Self Patriotic Movement
  • 地址 | Address: 上海市九江路219号(邮编 200002) | 219 Jiujiang Road, Shanghai, China (200002)
  • 电话 | Phone: 021-63210806(总机)/ 63296235(发行室) | 021-63210806 (Mainline) / 63296235 (Distribution Office)
  • 印刷单位 | Printing: 周家渡印刷有限公司 | Zhoujiadu Printing Co., Ltd.

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