The Gospel of Matthew in the Veps Language – Evangelii Matvejan Modhe
Experience the powerful teachings of The Gospel of Matthew in the Veps language, an important member of the Finnic group within the Uralic language family. This 1998 paperback edition, published by the Institute for Bible Translation, offers readers a unique opportunity to engage with the Scripture in their native language. With its clear and faithful translation, this 100-page edition is ideal for personal study, outreach, and community worship, helping Veps speakers connect with the life and teachings of Jesus Christ.
Пурнема Матвејий Евангелие Вепс кельтамас, Фенно-Урал келье тугевеси. 1998 иедь томзин Библиотонь Перевода Институтась, сизонзо 100 арксянь издание иянь парго киякс юсь Матианнень Евангелиедез. Пурнема текст вепс кельтамас юсь вайлнештем, оне икс Евангелиес и сарса текстлеми.
Product Features
- Format: Paperback
- Pages: 100
- Publisher: Institute for Bible Translation
- Language: Veps
- Publication Year: 1998
- ISBN-10: 9529790457
- ISBN-13: 978-9529790456
Interesting Facts
- The Veps language is part of the Finnic branch of the Uralic languages, spoken by the Vepsians in northwestern Russia.
- This translation of the Gospel of Matthew was made available to serve the spiritual needs of the Veps-speaking community, ensuring that they could engage with Christian teachings in their native tongue.
- The Veps language, though smaller in number of speakers, plays an important role in preserving the cultural heritage of the Veps people.
- Вепс келье тугевеси, Фенно-Уралской кельес тугавести, сорово дялентонзо вепсинь челиве, северо-западной России.
- Сизонзо Матвеянь Евангелие вепс келье, юсь туттолонь христианинь тевьсене йыуза.
- Вепс кельтамас, поремо тевцеком минь дойтос, славничне вепсинь культтос ди наследие.
Publisher Details
Publisher: Institute for Bible Translation
Mission: Dedicated to translating the Bible into minority languages, the Institute for Bible Translation seeks to make Scripture accessible to all, regardless of language barriers.
We Value Your Feedback!
English: Have you explored this Veps language edition of the Gospel of Matthew? Share your experience to inspire others and help spread the Word of God.
Veps: Осте гитнень Матвеянь Евангелие Вепс кельтамас? Поладомасо сюлмамотсо, ды моднассень стоякс тееманзо.
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