The Gospel of Matthew in Crimean Tatar Language - 1985 Illustrated Edition
This 1985 edition of the Gospel of Matthew in Crimean Tatar offers a powerful tool for outreach and engagement with Crimean Tatar-speaking communities. Published by the Institute for Bible Translation, this paperback edition is both accessible and portable. The inclusion of illustrations enhances the reading experience, bringing the narrative to life and supporting readers in connecting with the Scripture. With its compact design and targeted language, this book is ideal for personal study, group readings, or sharing within the community.
Bu Matta İncili 'nin 1985 yılı Kırım Tatarca baskısı, Kırım Tatarca konuşan topluluklara yönelik etkili bir hizmet aracı sunar. Kutsal Kitap Tercüme Enstitüsü tarafından yayımlanan bu yumuşak kapaklı baskı, hem erişilebilir hem de taşınabilir. İçindeki illüstrasyonlar anlatıyı canlandırarak okuma deneyimini zenginleştirir ve okuyucuların Kutsal Yazılar ile bağ kurmalarını destekler. Kompakt tasarımı ve özel dili ile kişisel çalışma, grup okumaları veya topluluk içinde paylaşım için idealdir.
Product Features
- Format: Paperback
- Pages: 120
- Publisher: Institute for Bible Translation (1985)
- Language: Crimean Tatar
- Special Features: Includes illustrations
Product Features
- Формат: Мягкая обложка
- Страниц: 120
- Издательство: Институт перевода Библии (1985)
- Язык: Крымскотатарский
- Особенности: С иллюстрациями
Interesting Facts
- Targeted Outreach: This edition, translated into Crimean Tatar, serves as a valuable outreach tool, reaching communities in their heart language.
- Illustrated Edition: The illustrations bring visual context to the Gospel, making it more engaging, especially for younger readers and those new to the text.
Institute for Bible Translation: Known for its commitment to making Scriptures accessible in lesser-represented languages, the Institute supports spiritual growth in diverse linguistic communities.
Целевая аудитория: Это издание, переведенное на крымскотатарский язык, служит ценным инструментом для распространения Евангелия среди крымских татар.
- Иллюстрированное издание: Иллюстрации придают повествованию визуальный контекст, делая его более увлекательным, особенно для молодых читателей и тех, кто впервые знакомится с текстом.
- Институт перевода Библии: Институт известен своей приверженностью к обеспечению доступности Писаний на малопредставленных языках, поддерживая духовный рост в разнообразных языковых сообществах.
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