The Gospel of Luke in Turkmen Language
Injil Lukanyň hoş habary | Dictionary at the end of book
Product Details:
- Title: Injil Lukanyň hoş habary
- English Title: The Gospel of Luke
- Special Feature: Includes a dictionary at the end of the book
- Format: Paperback
- Edition: 2012
- Publisher: Mukaddes Kitap Terjime Instituty
- Language: Turkmen (Latin Script)
- Pages: 80
- ISBN: 5939430945
Product Features
- Complete text of the Gospel of Luke in Turkmen, using the Latin script.
- Includes a dictionary at the end of the book to aid understanding and study.
- Published by Mukaddes Kitap Terjime Instituty in 2012.
- Compact 80-page format, ideal for personal reading and study.
"Injil Lukanyň hoş habary" is the Turkmen language edition of the Gospel of Luke, presented in the Latin script. This 2012 edition, published by the Mukaddes Kitap Terjime Instituty, provides an accurate and accessible translation for Turkmen-speaking Christians and those interested in the Turkmen language. The inclusion of a dictionary at the end of the book enhances comprehension and makes it a valuable resource for both personal study and religious instruction.
Interesting Facts
- Language Details: Turkmen is a Turkic language spoken by about 6.4 million people in Turkmenistan and surrounding countries.
- Script and Translation: This edition uses the Latin script, which was reintroduced in Turkmenistan after 1991. The transition from Cyrillic to Latin script is part of Turkmenistan's efforts to modernize and align more closely with international standards.
- Gospel of Luke: The Gospel of Luke is the third book in the New Testament and is known for its detailed account of the life and teachings of Jesus Christ.
- Publisher: Mukaddes Kitap Terjime Instituty is known for its dedication to translating and distributing religious texts in various languages, ensuring accessibility for diverse linguistic communities.
Mukaddes Kitap Terjime Instituty
#TurkmenGospel #GospelOfLuke #MukaddesKitapTerjimeInstituty #TurkmenLanguage #LatinScript #ReligiousText #ChristianLiterature #NewTestament #MultilingualBibles
"Injil Lukanyň hoş habary" - Turkmen dilinde, Latyn ýazgysy bilen Injil Luka Kitaby. Bu 2012-nji ýyl neşir edilen kitap, Mukaddes Kitap Terjime Instituty tarapyndan neşir edilip, Türkmen dilinde gürleýän hristianlar we beýleki adamlar üçin elýeterlidir. Kitabyň ahyrynda düşnükli bolmagyny artdyrýan sözlük goşuldygy üçin şahsy öwreniş we dini sapaklar üçin gymmatly çeşmedir.
Gyzykly Maglumatlar
- Dil Maglumatlary: Turkmen dili, esasan, Türkmenistanda we goňşy ýurtlarda 6.4 million adam tarapyndan gepleşilýär.
- Ýazgy we Terjime: Bu neşir Latyn ýazgysyny ulanyp, 1991-nji ýyldan soň Türkmenistanda gaýtadan girizilen ýazgyny görkezýär. Kiril ýazgysyndan Latyn ýazgysyna geçiş, Türkmenistanyň döwrebaplaşmak we halkara standartlaryna laýyk gelmek ugrundaky tagallalarynyň bir bölegidir.
- Injil Luka: Injil Luka, Täze Ýazgyda üçünji kitap bolup, Isa Mesihiň durmuşyny we taglymatlaryny jikme-jik beýan edýär.
- Neşirçi: Mukaddes Kitap Terjime Instituty, dürli dillerdäki dini tekstleri terjime edip, ýaýradýan we dürli dillerde gepleşýän jemgyýetler üçin elýeterliligi üpjün edýän guramasy bilen tanalýar.
#TurkmenInjil #LukaKitaby #MukaddesKitapTerjimeInstituty #TurkmenDili #LatynÝazgysy #DiniTekst #HristianLiteratura #TäzeÝazgy #ÇokDilliInjiller