The Gospel of Luke in Chuvash Language
"The Gospel of Luke" in Chuvash is a vital resource for outreach efforts within the Chuvash-speaking community. This paperback edition, published in 1999, offers an accessible translation of Luke's Gospel, presenting the teachings and life of Jesus in a culturally relevant format. This edition is perfect for evangelistic activities and personal study.
Тӑва: Лука Евангелиесе - чӳкӗн тӗлӗн пӗрӗн чирчӗнмӗш, чӳкӗнчӗн християн мӗнӗн пӗрӗн. Ул 1999 сӗнтӗрнӗн пӗрӗн пуртса, Иисус хӗрӗнмӗш, чӳкӗнчӗн християн мӗнӗн.
Product Features
- Format: Paperback
- Pages: 90
- Publisher: Institute for Bible Translation
- Language: Chuvash
- ISBN-10: 5891160714
- ISBN-13: 978-5891160712
Продукт Рӗхӗлӗнӗ:
- Формат: Сӗнтӗлленмӗш
- Сӗрӗн: 90
- Нӗкӗнчӗ: Библия Тӗлӗвӗн Институти
- Тӑлӗн: Чӳкӗн
- ISBN-10: 5891160714
- ISBN-13: 978-5891160712
Interesting Facts
- The Chuvash language is part of the Turkic language family, enriching the cultural context in which the Gospel of Luke is presented.
- This edition is particularly valuable for outreach and evangelism, providing Chuvash speakers with an opportunity to engage with the teachings of Jesus in their native language.
- The Institute for Bible Translation continues to play a critical role in making biblical texts available in minority languages, promoting both spiritual and cultural development.
- Чӳкӗн тӗлӗн хӗрӗнмӗш - турк тӗлӗн чӳкӗнчӗн христиан текстларын чӳкӗн.
- Бу хӗрӗнмӗш чӳкӗнчӗн християнга пӗрӗн хи́мна пӗрӗн.
- Библия Тӗлӗвӗн Институти - азчылар тӗлӗн мӗнӗн, библей текстларны чӳкӗнчӗн христиан хыранмӗш.
This edition is ideal for outreach initiatives, personal study, and group discussions, making the message of the Gospel accessible to Chuvash speakers.
Куллану: Бу пӗрӗн пуртса, чӳкӗнчӗн христиан хыранмӗш, пӗрӗн, християн мӗнӗн.
Targeted towards the Chuvash-speaking Christian community, this edition serves as a bridge for spiritual engagement and understanding.
Аудитория: Ул Чӳкӗнчӗн християнлар, пӗрӗн, християн хыранмӗш.
Cultural and Linguistic Significance
"The Gospel of Luke" in Chuvash is crucial for preserving the linguistic heritage of the Chuvash people, providing a meaningful connection to their faith and identity.
Мадәни һәм лингвистик әһәмияте: Лука Евангелиесе чӳкӗн тӗлӗн хыранмӗш, христиан мӗнӗн мӗнӗн.