The Gospel of Luke in Greenlandic Language
The Gospel of Luke in Greenlandic, titled Livangkiiliu Lukasip Allagaa, is a significant translation of the Gospel that brings the teachings and life of Jesus Christ to the Greenlandic-speaking community. Greenlandic, part of the Eskimo-Aleut language family, is spoken by approximately 57,000 Greenlandic Inuit people in Greenland. This translation allows native speakers to engage directly with the Gospel, deepening their understanding of Christ’s life and message.
Livangkiiliu Lukasip Allagaa tassaavoq Lukasip Allagaat, eqqaamasaqarluinnartumik Kalaallit Nunaanni Inuit-itut oqaasertalersorneqartoq. Kalaallit oqaasii Eskimo-Aleut oqaasivimmeersuuvoq, oqaasertartut 57,000-nit eqqaamassuseqarlutik Kalaallit Nunaanni Inuit-ini. Ataatsimiititsinerit kristumiut ajunnginnerusumik inuuneranni siunissarlu ataqatigiissillugit oqaatsit takuneqarsinnaallutik.
Product Features
- Format: Paperback (Pappiaanit).
- Pages: 136 pages (136-nit immiaqarfiusut).
- Publisher: Bible Society (Biblia Saqqaa).
- Publication Year: 1980 (1979-mi saqqummersinneqarmat).
- Language: Greenlandic (Kalaallisut).
- ISBN-10: 8775231549
- ISBN-13: 978-8775231546
Unique Features
- A direct translation of the Gospel of Luke into Greenlandic, making the message of Christ accessible to the Greenlandic-speaking Inuit community.
- 136 pages of rich narrative and teachings from one of the Gospels, offering a deeper understanding of the life and ministry of Jesus Christ.
- Published by the Bible Society, a respected institution dedicated to making the Bible available in various languages.
- Lukasip Allagaat Kalaallisut oqaasertalersorneqartoq, oqaluttut Kristumiut oqaluttuassartaa Inuit-itut oqaasertartutut ilanngullugit.
- 136-nit immiaqatigiiffiusunik oqaluttuarisaanermik naatsorsuuteqarnermillu ataqatigiissaarneq qanoq Kristus-ip inuunera misigissutigilluarlugu.
- Bibiliami Saqqaa-p saqqummersissimasoq, ilisimatusartuuvoq Biblianik assigiinngitsutigut oqaasilerneqarsinnaasut tamanut ingerlateqqinnissaannut.
Interesting Facts
- Greenlandic is an Eskimo-Aleut language spoken primarily in Greenland by the Inuit people.
- The Gospel of Luke is part of the New Testament and provides a detailed account of Jesus Christ's life, teachings, death, and resurrection.
- The translation of the Gospel into Greenlandic enables the local community to read and understand the Bible in their native language, fostering spiritual growth.
- Kalaallisut oqaaseqartarpoq Eskimo-Aleut oqaasivimmi, Kalaallit Nunaanni Inuit-illu oqaluttut.
- Lukasip Allagaat Testamentit Nuuat ilaasortaavoq, Kristus-ip inuulluni oqaluttuarisimassaanik, nerisassanik tusarfigisaqarnillu ataqatigiissillugu.
- Lukasip Allagaat Kalaallisut oqaatsimut oqaasertalersorneqarnerat siumukarfiulaarpoq, immikkoortitsinissaq aamma, Inuit-itut oqaluttunik paasissuseq ataqatigiissillugu.
Publisher Details
- Publisher: Bible Society, a Christian organization dedicated to spreading the message of the Bible through translations and publications worldwide.
- Kiattoqarfissaq: Biblia Saqqaa, Kristumiut akornanni ilisimatusaartumi Bibiliami paasissutissiineq nunaat takuneqarluni.
#GreenlandicBible #Kalaallisut #LukasipAllagaat #GospelOfLuke #BibleInGreenlandic #GreenlandicLanguage #ChristianityInGreenland #InuitFaith #BibleTranslation #BibliaSaqqaa