The "Forty Days" of Scripture: Sixteen Addresses by W.T.P. Wolston
Condition: Used - Very Good
The "Forty Days" of Scripture: Sixteen Addresses by W.T.P. Wolston is a comprehensive exploration of the significance of "forty days" as it appears throughout Scripture. Through sixteen insightful addresses, Wolston examines various biblical narratives where this time frame marks moments of divine intervention, judgment, mercy, testing, or restoration.
The book provides theological and practical insights, connecting these pivotal "forty days" events to themes like judgment, salvation, repentance, and resurrection. This work offers readers a deeper understanding of how these time periods underscore God’s purposes and plans throughout Scripture, culminating in the profound forty days of Jesus' resurrection appearances.
Product Features
- Format: Hardcover
- Pages: Not specified
- Publisher: Bible Truth Publishers, Oak Park, IL
- Language: English
- Binding: Hardcover
- Size: 12mo (6¾" - 7¾")
Chapter Highlights
- Noah's Forty Days: Judgment and salvation through the flood.
- Joseph's Forty Days: The effect of death and conscience’s workings.
- Moses' Forty Days: The giving of the Law and human failure.
- Moses’ Second Forty Days: God’s mercy and sovereignty.
- Caleb's Forty Days: Unbelief and its consequences.
- Goliath's Forty Days: Deliverance through faith.
- Elijah's Forty Days: God’s provision for a dejected servant.
- Ezekiel's Forty Days: Israel’s end and the promise of glory.
- Jonah's Forty Days: Nineveh’s repentance and God’s mercy.
- Satan's Forty Days: Jesus’ victory over temptation.
11–16. The Lord Jesus’ Forty Days: Resurrection appearances and their profound lessons.
Interesting Facts
- Rich Symbolism: Explores the recurring theme of "forty days" as a period of transformation, testing, or revelation.
- Focus on Resurrection: Nearly half the book centers on the forty days following Jesus’ resurrection, offering rich insights into these events.
- Practical Application: Each chapter connects biblical events to spiritual truths applicable to daily Christian living.
- Thorough Analysis: Wolston’s addresses combine theological depth with clarity, making this work accessible for study and devotion.
Publisher: Bible Truth Publishers
Bible Truth Publishers is committed to producing biblically sound works that deepen believers’ understanding of Scripture and support faithful Christian living.
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