The Doubting Believer (A Puritan Treatise on Assurance) / By: Obadiah Sedgwick (1600-1658) / Soli Deo Gloria Pubns, 1997 / Hardcover
ISBN: 1877611654
Member of the Westminster Assembly of Divines and Minister of God's Word at Coggleshall, Essex
This is a Puritan treatise on assurance of salvation by one of the leading members of the Westminster Assembly of Divines. The subtitle is “A treatise containing the nature, the kinds, the springs, & the remedies of doubtings incident to weak believers.” Appendixed to this scarce Puritan book is a sermon Sedgwick preached before parliament which has great relevance for our day, “The Nature & Danger of Heresies.” That sermon has never been reprinted until now. This entire book has been completely retypeset & updated for easier reading.
John Calvin said that assurance was of the essence of faith; yet, sadly, many true Christians do not have assurance of their salvation, while many spurious believers, who have no right to assurance, never question it! Why is it that some Christians struggle so much with assurance of salvation? If we are saved for eternity, why can we not enjoy the sense and security of that salvation in the present?
In this rare Puritan work, Obadiah Sedgwick, a member of the Assembly of Divines who wrote the Westminster Confession of Faith and the Larger and Shorter Catechisms, addresses this very issue. He writes in his introduction, "This ensuing work is, I confess, not a garden for everyone to walk in, but only medicine for the sick or weak. It is intended as a hospital for the lame; only for a troubled sinner, only for a weak believer."
Sedgwick handles the issue of lack of assurance under the following headings:
1. The nature of doubtings. 2. The kinds and diversities of them.
3. Their possible consistence with true faith. 4. Their grounds, springs, and occasions.
5. Their cures and remedies,
Appendixed in this volume is an important sermon preached by Sedgwick before Parliament entitled "The Nature and Danger of Heresies,"
Title: The doubting believer
Author: Obadiah Sedgwick
Publisher: Soli Deo Gloria
Binding: Hardcover
Edition: 1993