CNV Kid's Bible: A Character Builder – The Old Testament
儿童品格圣经(旧约篇)品格故事 中英对照
Overview / 概述
The CNV Kid's Bible: A Character Builder – The Old Testament is a simplified Chinese and English bilingual edition that introduces children to timeless stories of the Old Testament while emphasizing character-building values. With engaging narratives and colorful illustrations, this hardcover edition encourages young readers to explore the foundations of biblical wisdom while learning important virtues like honesty, compassion, and perseverance. It is ideal for bilingual education, family reading, or Sunday school lessons, offering a perfect blend of language learning and spiritual growth.
儿童品格圣经(旧约篇) 是一本简体中文和英文对照的圣经故事书,讲述旧约的经典故事,并注重品格塑造的价值观。这本精装书通过生动的故事和丰富多彩的插图,鼓励年轻读者探索圣经智慧的根基,同时学习诚实、同情心和坚持等重要的美德。非常适合双语教育、家庭阅读或主日学课程,将语言学习与灵性成长完美结合。
Product Features / 产品特点
- Format: Hardcover
- Pages: 228
- Language: Simplified Chinese & English
- Publisher: Worldwide Bible Society (2015)
- ISBN-13: 978-9888124381
- Content: Simplified Chinese-English parallel text, Old Testament stories, vivid illustrations
- Purpose: Character-building lessons, language learning, and biblical wisdom for children
- 形式: 精装
- 页数: 228页
- 语言: 简体中文 & 英文
- 出版社: Worldwide Bible Society (2015)
- ISBN-13: 978-9888124381
- 内容: 中英对照文本,精选旧约故事,配有精美插图
- 用途: 品格教育、语言学习和圣经智慧启蒙
Interesting Facts / 亮点
- The bilingual format fosters language development while imparting timeless biblical values.
- Vibrant illustrations accompany each story to captivate young readers and enhance comprehension.
- Stories are carefully curated to focus on themes of moral and spiritual growth.
- Designed for families seeking to introduce their children to biblical teachings in a bilingual context.
- 双语格式帮助孩子在学习语言的同时领会永恒的圣经价值观。
- 每个故事都配有生动的插图,吸引孩子的兴趣并加深理解。
- 精选的故事集中于道德和灵性成长的主题。
- 专为希望通过双语方式向孩子介绍圣经教义的家庭设计。
Hashtags / 标签
#CNVKidsBible #BilingualBible #OldTestamentStories #ChineseEnglishBible #ChildrensBible #CharacterBuilding #BibleForKids #ChristianEducation #FamilyDevotions #SundaySchool
#儿童品格圣经 #旧约故事 #中英双语圣经 #中文英文圣经 #儿童圣经故事 #品格塑造 #圣经教育 #家庭灵修 #主日学资源
Table of Content for the Old Testament Stories
1. 创造天地(创世记1章)
2. 亚当和夏娃(创世记2:18-24)
3. 犯罪堕落(创世记3章)
4. 挪亚方舟(创世记6:13-7:24)
5. 巴别塔(创世记11:1-9)
6. 以撒出生(创世记21:1-7)
7. 亚伯拉罕献以撒(创世记22:1-19)
8. 骗人的雅各(创世记25:27-34,27:1-35)
9. 约瑟的彩衣(创世记37:1-33)
10. 约瑟饶恕哥哥(创世记41:46,43:1-34,45:1-15)
11. 摩西的使命(出埃及记1-3章)
12. 出埃及的神迹(出埃及记5:14-10:29,12:29-36,14:5-31)
13. 十诫(出埃及记20:1-17)
14. 征服耶利哥城(约书亚记2:1-21,6:1-25)
15. 听话的撒母耳(撒母耳记上1章,3章,10:1,16:12-13)
16. 大卫勇战歌利亚(撒母耳记上17章)
17. 所罗门的智慧(列王纪上3:16-28)
18. 以利亚大胜巴力先知(列王纪上18:20-40)
19. 以利亚重新得力(列王纪上19章)
20. 以利沙帮助书念妇人(列王纪下4:8-37)
21. 乃缦得医治(列王纪下5:1-14)
22. 王后以斯帖(以斯帖记18章)
23. 坚忍的约伯(约伯记1:1-2:10)
24. 少年但以理(但以理书1章)
25. 不拜金像(但以理书3章)
26. 先知约拿(约拿书1-4章)