The Book of Psalms: Chinese - English Bilingual Edition
Chinese New Version / New International Version BS1037
Product Details
- Paperback: 154 pages
- Publisher: Bible Society (2011)
- Language: Chinese, English
- ISBN-10: 9888124064
- ISBN-13: 978-9888124060 / 9789888124060
"The Book of Psalms: Chinese - English Bilingual Edition" features the Chinese New Version (CNV) alongside the New International Version (NIV), making it a valuable resource for bilingual readers. This edition is ideal for those seeking to deepen their understanding of the Psalms through parallel text in Chinese and English.
About the Book
- Authors of Psalms: Includes Moses, David, Solomon, and other authors.
- Writing Period: 1440 to 400 B.C.
- Hebrew Title: The Hebrew name for Psalms means "Praises." Interestingly, Psalms contains more laments than praises, yet almost all laments ultimately express trust in God.
Core Themes
- Worship and Praise: Yahweh is worthy of all humanity's praise and worship.
- True Worship: Stems from a wide range of life experiences and emotions.
- God's Blessings and Judgments: God blesses the obedient and judges the rebellious.
- God's Protection and Salvation: Righteous people can rely on God's protection and deliverance in times of need.
Literary Genres
- Praise Psalms: Songs that glorify and praise the loving and faithful God.
- Lament Psalms: Expressions of sorrow and requests for God's help.
- 包括摩西、大衛、所羅門及其他作者。
- 寫作年份: 西元前1440至400年。
- 讚美與崇拜: 耶和華神配得全人類的歌頌與讚美。
- 真正的敬拜: 來自生活經驗的多種情感。
- 神的賜福與審判: 神賜福給順服的人,審判叛逆的人。
- 神的保護與拯救: 義人在面臨困難時,神保佑和拯救他們。
- 讚美詩: 歌頌與讚美慈愛及信實的神。
- 哀歌: 向神傾訴一切的煩惱和愁苦。
- Publisher: Bible Society
- Language: Chinese, English
- Publication Date: 2011
- 出版社: 聖經公會
- 語言: 中文, 英文
- 出版日期: 2011年
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