Traveling In China: The Best Scenery Of Traveling In China | 中国少数民族风情 1
Product Information
- UPC: 9787885812416
- Product Type: DVD
- Genre: Travel / Cultural Documentary / Landscape
- Region: REGION 0 DVD (Playable in all regions)
- Audio: Mandarin
- Subtitle: None
- Made in: China
The "Traveling In China: The Best Scenery of Traveling in China" is a stunning travel documentary focusing on the diverse and vibrant cultures of China's ethnic minorities. This DVD takes viewers on a romantic journey across China's vast landscapes, showcasing the unique customs, traditions, and breathtaking scenery of various minority groups. From the lively Naadam Festival to the enchanting Uyghur dances and the mysterious Tibetan Thangka art, this travel experience is both educational and captivating.
Mandarin Translation - Overview (概述)
《中国少数民族风情 1》是以中国少数民族多彩文化为主题的绝美旅行纪录片。本片带领观众踏上浪漫旅程,穿越中国广袤的土地,展现少数民族独特的风俗、传统和令人叹为观止的自然风光。从欢乐的那达慕大会到维吾尔族迷人的歌舞,再到神秘的藏族唐卡艺术,这段旅程既具教育意义,又令人陶醉。
Product Features
- Format: DVD
- Region Code: REGION 0 (Playable worldwide)
- Audio Language: Mandarin (Chinese)
- Genre: Travel, Landscape, Cultural Exploration
- Content: Features vivid depictions of China’s ethnic minorities, their lifestyles, and traditions
Mandarin Translation - Product Features (产品特点)
- 格式: DVD
- 区域码: REGION 0(全球通用)
- 音频语言: 普通话
- 类型: 旅行、风景、文化探索
- 内容: 生动展现中国少数民族的生活方式和传统文化
Interesting Facts
A Celebration of Ethnic Diversity
China is home to 56 recognized ethnic groups, and while the population of ethnic minorities is small, they are spread across vast areas of the country. Over centuries, these groups have contributed to the richness of Chinese culture with their unique traditions, wisdom, and artistic expressions.
Featured Highlights in This DVD
- Sibe People by the Ili River (伊犁河畔锡伯人): A glimpse into the lives of the Sibe ethnic group.
- Naadam Festival (欢乐的那达慕): A lively celebration filled with sports and cultural displays.
- Uyghur Dance and Wedding (维吾尔族歌舞 & 维吾尔族婚礼): The vibrant traditions of the Uyghur people.
- Tibetan Medicine and Thangka Art (神奇的藏医药 & 唐卡): Discover the ancient wisdom of Tibetan medicine and the sacred art of Thangka painting.
- Grassland Love Story (草原之恋): Romantic tales set against the breathtaking grasslands of Inner Mongolia.
- Russian Rural Dance (俄罗斯田园歌舞): A celebration of Russian-influenced culture in China.
Cultural Significance
This documentary serves as a bridge to understanding the deep cultural roots of China’s ethnic minorities. It highlights the importance of cultural preservation and respect for the unique traditions that make up the fabric of China’s national identity.
Mandarin Translation - Interesting Facts (有趣的事实)
- 伊犁河畔锡伯人: 展现锡伯族的日常生活。
- 欢乐的那达慕: 展现充满运动与文化活动的那达慕盛会。
- 维吾尔族歌舞与婚礼: 维吾尔族的多彩传统与婚礼文化。
- 神奇的藏医药与唐卡艺术: 探索藏医的古老智慧与神圣的唐卡艺术。
- 草原之恋: 以内蒙古大草原为背景的浪漫故事。
- 俄罗斯田园歌舞: 庆祝中国境内受俄罗斯文化影响的地区的田园歌舞。
Published by an independent production house. All rights reserved under UPC 9787885812416.
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#TravelingInChina #ChineseEthnicCulture #ChinaTravelDocumentary #LandscapeDVD #EthnicMinorities #RomanticTravel #MandarinDocumentary
Mandarin (标签):
#旅行中国 #中国少数民族文化 #中国旅行纪录片 #风景DVD #少数民族 #浪漫旅行 #普通话纪录片