Catholic Burial Ceremony Book in Lovari (Romani) Language | Temetési Szertartáskönyv Lovari nyelven
UPC Code: 9789632775067
Overview | Áttekintés
The Catholic Burial Ceremony Book in Lovari (Romani) Language is a unique and important resource for the Lovari-speaking Romani community. Published by Szent István Társulat in 2015, this hardcover book provides the Catholic burial ceremony in the Lovari dialect, one of the most widely spoken Romani dialects. The book, spanning 106 pages, also contains valuable information on traditional Gypsy funeral practices. This makes it an essential guide for Romani families during times of loss, offering cultural and religious support during funeral ceremonies.
Lovari (Romani):
Temetési Szertartáskönyv Lovari nyelven pe khanči si unikano thaj te vareso resursos thaj zoralo i Lovari-phuvani romani komuniće. Puvlimo o Szent István Társulat thaj 2015, le hardkover biblio te dikhen katolikos temetimos cerimonija le Lovari dijaktar, sar ando naj e pej dobaro phuvani romani dijaktar. O biblio, pes 106 paji, sikavav ma o tradicionalno cigániko temetimos praktikimos. Dikhav le bok te gindo i romani familijes ando kali, te darim pes sovalipe thaj reližijo divas temetimos cerimonijes.
Product Features | Termékelőnyök
- Format: Hardcover
- Pages: 106
- ISBN: 9789632775067
- ISBN-10: 9632775066
- Publisher: Szent István Társulat
- Publication Year: 2015
- Language: Lovari (Romani)
- Dimensions: 12 x 16 cm
Lovari (Romani):
- Forma: Hardkover
- Paji: 106
- ISBN: 9789632775067
- ISBN-10: 9632775066
- Puvlimo: Szent István Társulat
- Mejmele: 2015
- Lenga: Lovari (Romani)
- Merenge: 12 x 16 cm
Interesting Facts | Érdekes Tények
- This book is the first comprehensive guide for the Romani community in the Lovari dialect to conduct Catholic burial ceremonies.
- The book not only provides the liturgical text but also includes insights into the funeral practices traditionally followed by the Romani people.
- A vital resource that helps preserve the cultural heritage of Romani funeral rituals in the modern world.
Lovari (Romani):
- A bok pe peske pal o tarno prezdelo sar resursos foros thaj ti Lovari dijaktar te kerel katolikos temetimos cerimonijes.
- O biblio naj so dikheti liturgikos tekstos, so del pes e insightos te dikhen kataro temetimos praktikos tradicionalne pe romani phuv.
- O vitalo resurso so buti te bularin i kulturolosko ereditate pe romani temetimos ritualis ando puchalengo dičh.
Publishers | Kiadók
- Publisher Name: Szent István Társulat
- Publication Year: 2015
- ISBN: 9789632775067
Lovari (Romani):
- Puvlimo Name: Szent István Társulat
- Mejmele: 2015
- ISBN: 9789632775067
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Lovari (Romani):
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