Szabad-e bejönni ide Betlehemmel? Kaláka Zenéskönyv
ISBN: 9631154574
Pages: 69
Publisher: Móra Ferenc Könyvkiadó, Budapest
Publication Year: 1987
Authors: Becze Gábor, Gryllus Dániel, Huzella Péter, Radványi Balázs
Genre: Music, Children's Songs, Poetry
Illustrations: Color illustrations by Gál Éva
Book Dimensions: 11 x 16.5 cm
Book Weight: 130 g
Binding Type: Hardcover
Condition: Very Good
Product Features
- Content: A delightful collection of Christmas songs and stories, perfect for children and families during the holiday season.
- Illustrations: Features vibrant illustrations that enhance the storytelling experience.
- Cultural Significance: The book captures the tradition of caroling during Christmas, reflecting the joy and spirit of the season.
"Szabad-e bejönni ide Betlehemmel?" is a charming musical book by the Kaláka Singing Group, designed to celebrate the Christmas season through songs and stories. The title translates to "Is it allowed to come in here with the Nativity?" and reflects the tradition of carolers visiting homes during Christmas, asking for hospitality.
This book, enriched with colorful illustrations, includes a variety of Hungarian and international Christmas folk songs, as well as traditional church hymns and poems set to music by Kaláka. It serves as a wonderful resource for families to engage in the festive spirit, making it a cherished addition to holiday celebrations.
Interesting Facts
- Kaláka's Legacy: The Kaláka Singing Group has been a beloved part of Hungarian culture for decades, known for their engaging performances and contributions to children's music.
- Community Engagement: The group has performed extensively across Hungary and beyond, bringing joy to audiences with their Christmas concerts.
- Cultural Heritage: This book not only entertains but also preserves the rich tradition of Hungarian Christmas caroling, making it a valuable cultural artifact.
- Móra Ferenc Könyvkiadó
#Kaláka #ChristmasSongs #HungarianLiterature #ChildrensBooks #CulturalTradition #HolidaySpirit #FamilyActivities #Music #FestiveSeason #HungarianFolk
Translations (Hungarian)
A "Szabad-e bejönni ide Betlehemmel?" egy bájos zenés könyv, amelyet a Kaláka együttes készített, és amely a karácsonyi időszak ünneplésére készült dalokkal és történetekkel. A cím arra utal, hogy a betlehemesek karácsonykor házról házra járnak, kérve a vendégszeretetet.
Érdekes tények
- Kaláka öröksége: A Kaláka együttes évtizedek óta a magyar kultúra kedvelt része, amely elbűvölő előadásaival és a gyermekzene terén tett hozzájárulásaival ismert.
#Kaláka #KarácsonyiDalok #MagyarIrodalom #GyermekKönyvek #KulturálisHagyomány #ÜnnepiLélek #CsaládiTevékenységek #Zene #ÜnnepiIdény #MagyarNépzene