A Sure Guide to Heaven
UPC: 9780851510811
Product Features
- Author: Joseph Alleine
- Publisher: The Banner of Truth Trust
- ISBN: 0-85151-081-7
- Price: $
- Series: Puritan Paperbacks
- Genre: Christian Theology, Evangelism, Puritan Literature
- Format: Paperback
- Original Title: An Alarm to the Unconverted
"A Sure Guide to Heaven" by Joseph Alleine, originally published under the title "An Alarm to the Unconverted," is a powerful Puritan classic that continues to speak to the spiritual condition of mankind. In a time when the 20th century was marked by spiritual lethargy and distraction, this book remains a timely and convicting call to awaken believers and non-believers alike to eternal realities.
Alleine, a renowned Puritan pastor and evangelist, wrote this work to urge people to take seriously the matters of life, death, and salvation. His writing, deeply rooted in Scripture, confronts readers with the urgency of repentance and the hope of the gospel. The book not only serves as a tool for evangelism but also as a means of reviving the faith of Christians, calling them to examine their hearts and renew their commitment to God's kingdom.
Interesting Facts
- Historical Impact: Originally published in the 17th century, this book has been a spiritual wake-up call for countless readers throughout history, urging them to turn to Christ for salvation.
- Puritan Heritage: Joseph Alleine was a Puritan pastor known for his deep convictions and passionate preaching, which was often directed toward awakening the spiritually indifferent.
- Enduring Relevance: "A Sure Guide to Heaven" addresses timeless themes of sin, repentance, and salvation, making it a valuable resource for modern readers seeking to understand their spiritual condition.
- Influence on Revival: This book has historically had a profound impact not only on non-believers but also on Christians, often being used to stir up a renewed sense of devotion and purpose among believers.
The Banner of Truth Trust
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