
Sundanesse Children's Bible / Carita Harade Nu Dicutat Tina Kitab Suci / The Lion Children's Bible

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Sundanese Children's Bible / Carita Harade Nu Dicutat Tina Kitab Suci

Overview / Ringkesan

Carita Harade Nu Dicutat Tina Kitab Suci (The Lion Children's Bible) is a beautifully illustrated Bible storybook for children in Sundanese, the language spoken by around 39 million people in the western part of Java. This hardcover edition, published by Bible Society, brings together 256 pages of engaging stories from the Bible, making it an excellent resource for introducing children to the teachings of the Bible. The stories are carefully selected and adapted to be accessible and engaging for young readers, encouraging them to connect with the Bible's timeless messages.
Carita Harade Nu Dicutat Tina Kitab Suci (The Lion Children's Bible) nyaéta buku carita Alkitab anu dihias kalayan ilustrasi anu éndah pikeun barudak dina basa Sunda, basa anu dipaké ku kira-kira 39 juta jalma di bagian kulon Jawa. Édisi hardcover ieu diterbitkeun ku Bible Society sareng ngagabungkeun 256 halaman carita-carita anu menarik tina Alkitab, ngajadikeun éta sumber daya anu saé pikeun ngenalkeun barudak kana ajaran-ajaran Alkitab. Carita-carita ieu dipilih sareng disaluyukeun pikeun gampang dipahami sareng menarik pikeun pamiarsa ngora, ngadorong aranjeunna pikeun nyambungkeun sareng pesen-pesen Alkitab anu langgeng.

Product Details / Detil Produk

  • Format / Format: Hardcover / Sampul keras
  • Pages / Halaman: 256
  • Publisher / Penerbit: Bible Society (2004)
  • Language / Bahasa: Sundanese / Sunda
  • ISBN-10: 9794633879
  • ISBN-13: 978-9794633878 / 9789794633878

Key Features / Fitur Utama

  • 256 Full-Color Pages: This book is filled with vibrant illustrations that bring the Bible stories to life for young readers.
    256 Halaman Penuh Warna: Buku ieu pinuh ku ilustrasi anu caang anu ngajantenkeun carita-carita Alkitab hirup pikeun pamiarsa ngora.
  • Language and Cultural Relevance: Written in Sundanese, the language of millions in West Java, this Bible storybook is specifically designed to connect with children in that cultural context.
    Bahasa sareng Relevansi Budaya: Ditulis dina basa Sunda, basa anu dipaké ku jutaan jalma di Jawa Kulon, buku carita Alkitab ieu khususna dirancang pikeun nyambungkeun sareng barudak dina kontéks budaya éta.
  • Engaging for Young Readers: The language used is simple and accessible, making it ideal for children to understand and enjoy Bible stories from both the Old and New Testaments.
    Merenah Pikeun Pamiarsa Ngora: Basa anu dipaké basajan sareng gampang dipahami, ngajadikeun ieu idéal pikeun barudak pikeun ngartos sareng ngarasakeun carita-carita Alkitab tina Perjanjian Lama sareng Baru.
  • Perfect for Family Reading: This Bible storybook is an excellent resource for families to read together, offering meaningful discussions about faith and biblical values.
    Cocog Pikeun Maca Bareng Kulawarga: Buku carita Alkitab ieu mangrupikeun sumber anu saé pikeun kulawarga pikeun maca babarengan, nawiskeun diskusi anu bermakna ngeunaan iman sareng nilai-nilai Alkitab.

Interesting Facts / Fakta Menarik

  • Sundanese Language Edition: This book offers an important opportunity for Sundanese-speaking children to access biblical stories in their native language.
    Édisi Basa Sunda: Buku ieu nyayogikeun kasempetan penting pikeun barudak anu nganggo basa Sunda pikeun ngaksés carita-carita Alkitab dina basa asli maranéhanana.
  • Illustrated by Skilled Artists: The beautiful illustrations were created by talented artists to ensure that the Bible stories are both educational and visually appealing.
    Ilustrasi Ku Seniman Terampil: Ilustrasi anu éndah didamel ku seniman berbakat pikeun mastikeun yén carita-carita Alkitab éta saé pikeun diajar sareng ogé pikaresepeun sacara visual.
  • A Global Resource: The Lion Children's Bible has been translated into many languages, and the Sundanese edition ensures that even more children can experience these powerful stories in their heart language.
    Sumber Daya Global: The Lion Children's Bible parantos diterjemahkeun kana seueur basa, sareng édisi Sunda mastikeun yén leuwih seueur barudak tiasa ngalaman carita-carita anu kuat ieu dina basa jero maranéhanana.

Publisher / Penerbit

Bible Society is committed to making the Word of God accessible to all people, regardless of language or cultural background. Through projects like Carita Harade Nu Dicutat Tina Kitab Suci, they aim to reach diverse communities, helping children grow in their faith through the power of stories from the Bible.
Bible Society komitmen pikeun ngajantenkeun Firman Allah tiasa diaksés ku sadaya jalma, henteu paduli basa atanapi latar budaya. Lewat proyék-proyék sapertos Carita Harade Nu Dicutat Tina Kitab Suci, aranjeunna tujuan pikeun ngahontal komunitas anu béda-béda, ngabantosan barudak tumuwuh dina iman ngaliwatan kakuatan carita-carita tina Alkitab.

We'd Love to Hear Your Thoughts!
Let us know how Carita Harade Nu Dicutat Tina Kitab Suci has helped bring the Bible to life for your child and if it sparked any meaningful conversations.
Hayu atuh bagikeun kumaha Carita Harade Nu Dicutat Tina Kitab Suci ngabantosan ngahidupan Alkitab pikeun anak anjeun sareng naha éta nyababkeun obrolan anu bermakna.

Hashtags / Tagar

#SundaneseBible #CaritaHaradeNuDicutatTinaKitabSuci #LionChildrenBible #BibleForKids #SundaneseChildrenBooks #BibleSociety #SundaneseFaith #BibleStoriesForChildren #Sunda #AnakSunda #CaritaAlkitab #BukuAnakSunda

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