荒漠甘泉 (Streams in the Desert) - 袋裝簡體版
Product Features
- Author: L.B. Cowman (考門夫人)
- Publisher: Tien Dao Publishing House Ltd. (基督徒出版社)
- Format: Pocket Size (袋裝)
- Language: Simplified Chinese (簡體中文)
- Published and Printed: Hong Kong (香港)
- Content: Over 300 devotional pieces
Interesting Facts
- 《荒漠甘泉》的書名來自於以賽亞書35:6,象徵著在困境中仍能找到生命的泉源。
- 考門夫人和她的丈夫在東亞的傳教經歷長達二十年,這段時間的靈修體會深深影響了她的寫作。
- 該書自1920年首次發行以來,已被翻譯成數十種語言,並在全球廣泛流傳,吸引了不僅僅是基督徒的讀者。
- 書中每篇靈修小品都包含一段聖經經文和其他作者的名言,讓讀者在靈修中獲得啟發。
- Tien Dao Publishing House Ltd. (基督徒出版社)
#荒漠甘泉 #StreamsInTheDesert #靈修書籍 #考門夫人 #基督教文學 #靈性成長
Translation Section
Overview (English): Streams in the Desert is a devotional book written by American missionary Lettie Cowman, featuring over 300 devotional pieces aimed at helping readers find hope and strength in their faith journey. The book draws inspiration from Cowman's spiritual life during her husband's illness, documenting how she found "hope, patience, and joy" through prayer amidst suffering.
Interesting Facts (English):
- The title of the book comes from Isaiah 35:6, symbolizing finding life’s springs even in adversity.
- Lettie Cowman and her husband spent twenty years in East Asia, which deeply influenced her writing.
- Since its first publication in 1920, the book has been translated into dozens of languages and widely circulated globally, attracting readers beyond just Christians.
- Each devotional piece includes a Bible verse and quotes from other authors, providing inspiration for readers in their spiritual journey.
Hashtags (English)
#StreamsInTheDesert #DevotionalBooks #LettieCowman #ChristianLiterature