Streams in the Desert Devotional / 荒漠甘泉(大、平裝、簡體字)
UPC Code: 9789626750049
Streams in the Desert is a profound devotional book by L.B. Cowman, offering over 300 daily reflections that inspire and uplift readers on their spiritual journey. This large-sized edition, printed in Simplified Chinese, is designed to provide comfort and hope through the trials of life, making it accessible to a wide audience.
Product Features
- Author: L.B. Cowman (考門夫人)
- Publisher: Tien Dao Publishing House Ltd.
- Pages: 370
- Size: Large format
- Language: Simplified Chinese
- Publication Year: 2009
- Printed in: Hong Kong
Interesting Facts
- Streams in the Desert was conceived during a challenging time in the author's life, as Lettie Cowman faced her husband's declining health. This personal struggle inspired her to write daily devotionals that reflect her experiences and faith.
- The title is derived from Isaiah 35:6, symbolizing hope and renewal in difficult times.
- Since its publication in 1920, the book has been translated into numerous languages and continues to resonate with readers worldwide, not just Christians.
- Lettie Cowman emphasized that the book was a divine gift rather than her own creation, stating, "I did not write Streams. God gave me Streams".
Tien Dao Publishing House Ltd. is dedicated to providing quality Christian literature that enriches the spiritual lives of readers.
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#StreamsInTheDesert #荒漠甘泉 #DailyDevotional #ChristianLiterature #LettieCowman #SpiritualGrowth #Hope #Faith #BilingualBooks #SimplifiedChinese
荒漠甘泉是考門夫人(L.B. Cowman)所著的一本深刻靈修書籍,提供超過300篇每日反思,啟發和鼓舞讀者在靈性旅程中的成長。這本大尺寸的簡體字版旨在通過生活中的考驗提供安慰和希望,使其能夠被廣泛的讀者所接受。
- 荒漠甘泉是在作者面臨丈夫健康惡化的艱難時期構思的,這段個人掙扎激勵她寫下每日靈修,反映她的經歷和信仰。
- 書名源自以賽亞書35:6,象徵著在困難時期的希望和重生。
- 自1920年出版以來,該書已被翻譯成多種語言,並繼續與全球讀者產生共鳴,不僅僅是基督徒。
- 考門夫人強調這本書是神的恩賜,而非她自己的創作,她曾說:“我不是寫下荒漠甘泉。神賜給我荒漠甘泉。”。
#StreamsInTheDesert #荒漠甘泉 #每日靈修 #基督教文學 #考門夫人 #靈性成長 #盼望 #信仰 #雙語書籍 #簡體字
本書內容大部分採自考門夫人(Mrs.Charles E.Cowman)所編的《沙漠中的泉源》(Streams in Desert)。一九三九年十二月當上海福音書房初次出版本書時,編譯者唐醒先生(Awake Tong)和袁周潔民姊妹(Emily Chow Yuan),並沒有照原著全部迻譯。有的地方是節譯了,有的地則加以刪改,有的地方則補進其他聖徒的著作,並把書名定為《荒漠甘泉》。一九五四年六月,主的忠僕陳則信弟兄(James Chen)對本書又作了一次修訂,曾加進若干新的作品。如今我們終於將中文版中,原屬中文的部分,譯成英文,從而完成中英對照《荒漠甘泉》的編輯工作。