Stalingrad DVD 2003 Sztálingrád / Documentary trilogy / 3 episodes / Never before seen footages from Russian archives
UPC 5999543814234 / SCP 423
AUDIO: English 2.0, Hungarian 2.0
SUBTITLES: Hungarian
Total Runtime: 158 minutes
English Summary:
Stalingrad: The Attack, The Melting Pot, The End --- Someone once said, "may you live in interesting times." I have to say I enjoy learning about World War II history because it was such an interesting time in our civilization. For someone born 35 years ago it is hard to imagine such a brutal world existed just 65 years ago. This documentary gives the viewer so much insight into the experiences of those caught in such a historic moment. Stalingrad was a turning point in the tide of World War II. The director, producers and writers went to great lengths to find people to tell their stories of war. This documentary is sad and wonderful. Wonderful? Because everyone can and should learn something about this moment in history. It says so much about humanity.
During World War II, the German Eastern Front was the scene of unimaginable horrors. The most brutal fighting took place in Stalingrad between August 1942 and January 1943. For Hitler, the city was important militarily and ideologically: it bore the name of its enemy, so it had to be destroyed. The battle not only sealed the fate of hundreds of thousands of soldiers and civilians; but the II. world War
it also marked the turning point and the beginning of the fall of Nazi Germany. The trilogy presents this historical period.
Hungarian Summary:
A II. világháborúban a német keleti front elképzelhetetlen borzalmak helyszíne volt. A legkegyetlenebb harcok Sztálingrádnál zajlottak le 1942 augusztusa és 1943 januárja között. Hitler számára a város katonai és ideológiai szempontból fontos volt: ellensége nevét viselte, tehát meg kellett semmisíteni. Az ütközet nem csak több százezer katona és civil sorsát pecsételte meg; hanem a II. világháború
fordulópontja és a náci Németország bukásának kezdete is lett. A trilógia ezt a történelmi időszakot mutatja be.
Episodes on DISC:
A támadás / The Attack
A "Katlan" / The Melting Pot
A végzet / The End