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Printed in London

Pages 130 


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In these last days when a turning away from God's inspired Word is so woefully evident all over the world, there can be no study more helpful and strengthening to the believer's heart than the subject of Spiritual Arithmetic, as revealed in God's Word. For the reason that it so clearly shows, to any but the most wilfully hardened hearts, that One Supreme Mind must have been the Author of all the books of which the Bible is composed.

It would have been a matter of absolute impossi- bility for men of different minds, surroundings and circumstances, and so widely separated by many hundreds of years in point of time, to have written unaided, books, which one and all, exhibit the same wonderful use of figures as a means of portraying deep spiritual truths. And which preserve uniformly the same meanings to these figures in books of entirely differing character and subject matter.

Spiritual Arithmetic thus proves that there is only one solution to the problem, and that is the solution given by God's Word itself: "Holy men of old spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost." The Holy Spirit was the One sole Writer of the Word of God from beginning to end, though many human pens were used in the actual transcribing of it. There is absolutely no escape to the conscientious student of Spiritual Arithmetic from the conclusion, that, in the original tongues in which the Scriptures were written, we have the very Words of God Himself.

How comforting a conclusion this is, in these days of universal apostasy, when "mighty men are around us falling," and what a sure deep heart-rest and peace it brings to the believer, only those who have studied this enthralling subject can know! It assures the believer in God's Word, that he has no fallible writings of men like himself, who wrote of God, without being themselves infallible in what they wrote; but that in reading God's holy Book, he is reading the very words of the Holy Spirit of God, Who knows "the deep things of God," and Who wrote these things "that we might know the things which are freely given to us of God." The whole structure, then, of what is blasphemously called "Higher Criticism," falls with a crash to the ground. Built as it is, purely upon men's theories, which have no foundation in fact, it cannot stand before the majesty of God's pure Word, which reveals itself as the "Critic," which is "sharper than any two-edged sword," revealing to all those who prayerfully study it, "the thoughts and intents of the heart." It is indeed, as our Lord Himself declared, the "Judge" that shall judge the sinner"in the last day."

In pursuing our study we shall find there are certain rules or laws governing it, which will prove themselves as we advance, and which it may be well to state here, in order to get a clear grasp of the subject at the outset.

1. All the simple numbers from 1 to 13 have a spiritual meaning attached to them.
2. Numbers compounded of these simple numbers, e.g., by doubling or trebling, generally carry the same spiritual meaning, only intensified.
3. Numbers compounded by adding two simple numbers together, usually carry the two meanings, of such simple numbers, expressed together, bringing out a deeper spiritual truth.
4. Where a compound number is divisible by several factors, it will usually be found that its spiritual truth, if any, is hidden behind its simplest factors, that is, those which are incapable of further division.
5. The first use of a number in Scripture almost invariably gives the clue to its spiritual meaning.
6. A spiritual truth does not appear to be evidenced in respect of every place where a number appears. (There is an obvious reason for this.)
7. Numbers are used to convey spiritual truths in at least three ways:-
(a) By the actual use of a number.
(b) By the number of times a special word or phrase is used by the Holy Spirit.
(c) By the gematria or numerical value of a word or phrase. 

Many other examples will be referred to under the several numbers, which will make the subject clear to the student. But if it is desired to have clearer understanding and more specific proof of the use of this form of arithmetic in the Word, the last two chapters of this book might be read first of all.









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