南派扁担术 / Southern Family Shoulder Pole | 南少林武术大观 | Overview of Southern Shaolin Wushu | 中英双语 | 1VCD
产品信息 / Product Information
- UPC: 9787885097332
- 产品类型 / Product Type: 1VCD
- 区域信息 / Region: 0 (全区 / All Region)
- 格式 / Format: NTSC
- 产地 / Made in: 中国 / China
- 音频 / Audio: 中文和英语 / Chinese and English
概述 / Overview
《南派扁担术 / Southern Family Shoulder Pole》 是一部关于南少林武术的教学视频,详细介绍了扁担术的起源、特点以及训练技巧。南派扁担术起源于南少林寺,是寺内僧人必修的武术技法,后来传入民间并广泛流传。由于其鲜明的南拳特色,这套技法被称为“南派扁担术”。
- 翠行辉:福建中医学院武术副教授
- 严兴辉
- 林锦:散手道黑带四段
"Southern Family Shoulder Pole" is an instructional video on Southern Shaolin martial arts, focusing on the origins, characteristics, and training techniques of the Shoulder Pole technique. Originating from the Southern Shaolin Temple, this technique was a compulsory skill for monks and later spread to society, becoming widely practiced. Due to its distinct Southern Boxing characteristics, it is called "Southern Family Shoulder Pole."
The training methods include pole-hitting, sandbag striking, and other exercises to master various pole techniques. The routine consists of 18 movements, characterized by simplicity, speed, flexibility, and a unique style. The techniques are highly practical for combat, showcasing actions such as patting, covering, cleaving, picking, sweeping, pressing, hooking, and more. The martial script states: "Southern Family Shoulder Pole aims to beat invaders; cleaving and hammering causes bleeding; picking and thrusting damages the heart; hooking trips opponents; pole sweeps break ribs."
产品特点 / Product Features
- 全区兼容性 / Region-Free Compatibility: 全区 VCD(区域 0),适合全球播放 / All Region VCD (Region 0), compatible worldwide.
- 音频与字幕 / Audio and Subtitles: 提供中文和英语音频,适合不同语言的观众 / Features Chinese and English audio, catering to diverse audiences.
- 制作质量 / Production Quality: MPEG-2 编码,NTSC 格式,确保优质视听体验 / Encoded in MPEG-2 with NTSC format for a superior viewing experience.
- 教学内容 / Teaching Content: 包括动作示范、技法解析以及核心训练方法,适合武术爱好者和学习者 / Includes demonstrations, technique analysis, and core training methods, suitable for martial arts enthusiasts and learners.
有趣的事实 / Interesting Facts
扁担术的历史与文化 / History and Culture of Shoulder Pole Technique
- 扁担术起源于南少林寺,是僧人必修的技法,后来成为民间武术的重要组成部分。 / The Shoulder Pole technique originated in the Southern Shaolin Temple as a compulsory skill for monks and later became an integral part of folk martial arts.
技法的实用性 / Practicality of Techniques
- 扁担术的技法变化多端,攻防兼备,适合实战应用,展现了南少林武术的独特魅力。 / The techniques of Shoulder Pole are versatile and practical for combat, showcasing the unique charm of Southern Shaolin martial arts.
训练方法的科学性 / Scientific Training Methods
- 通过击桩、打沙袋等训练手段,扁担术形成了一套科学且实用的武术训练体系。 / Through exercises like pole-hitting and sandbag striking, Shoulder Pole establishes a scientific and effective martial arts training system.
发行信息 / Publishers
策划 / Planner: 刘聪玲、辛桂维
主编导演 / Chief Editor and Director: 杨维(阜阳大学武术副教授)
中文配音 / Chinese Narration: 时飞
英文配音 / English Narration: 郭勇
出版监制 / Publishing Supervisor: 杨东军
责任编辑 / Editor: 刘聪玲
装帧设计 / Art Design: 李鹏
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标签 / Hashtags
#ShoulderPoleTechnique #SouthernShaolin #ShaolinKungFu #TraditionalMartialArts #ChineseMartialArts #KungFuTraining #MartialArtsVCD
中文 (标签):
#南派扁担术 #南少林 #中国武术 #传统武术 #功夫训练 #扁担术 #武术VCD